Posts Tagged ‘Recycling’

Recycling Milk Jugs into Fencing

The process to recycle milk jugs & other plastics into a durable plastic wood fencing product. Video courtesy of WNEP’s Home & Backyard Show.

How do you start a recycling program?

I want to start a recycling program for the mall I work at. I know who to talk to, but the stores wont pay for the bins. Are there companies that will donate the supplies?

Is it OK to recycle white paper in the newspaper recycling bin?

If not, where should I recycle it?. I do not have access to an office recycling program any longer. I just do not want to throw it away.

How much would a recycling place give for a 24 pack of water bottles, in CA?

I buy a lot of 24 pack of water bottles a month. My mom does recycle them but gives them to my little cousin. I am a college student and trying to earn some money. If I recycle one pack how much money would I receive at a recycling place?

What are the total systemic effects of recycling?

I recycle because I want to do anything I can to reduce waste that winds up in a landfill. I have been under the impression all these years that recycling is beneficial for the environment. But I recently learned that, at least in California, we ship our compacted recyclables to China to be made into new products which are then shipped back to the USA. I’m curious about the "life cycle" of a recycled product and the recycling industry’s impact on the environment. Also, are China’s recycling methods and chemicals ok under USA or EU regulations? Economists encouraged to weigh in. Thanks.

How do I start recycling in a apartment complex?

I am the resident manager and would like to start a recycling program in our apartment complex. I placed small garbage cans by the mailboxes for paper products, but what else would help the tenants do their part when it comes to the laundry detergent bottles, plastic bottles and other items?

Company Looks to Incentivize Recycling

RecycleBanks Ron Gonen on how the company motivates businesses and people to recycle.

How could i start an aerosol can recycling program in my town?

I just noticed at my work how much of these things we use but in a small southern town not to many people care at all about recycling. How could i get a program started so people will recycle their aerosol cans rather than just dump them in the trash. I’m just an average citizen with limited funds and no city government connections so what could i do?

How do I research a method for recycling or repurposing a waste product from my company?

My company prints a type of plastic that is currently unable to be repurposed or recycled. We throw out tons of scrap plastic and would love to have a viable recycling option. Where would I go to research methods for recycling this scrap? Would a University or other organization be able to help with this? Who would I contact and how could I learn more?

Polystyrene recycling, Styrofoam recycling

Expanded Polystrene foam recycling machine, recycle your styrofoam and EPS. EPS GROUP LLC recycle Polystrene foam. Contact Charlie for more info.

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