Posts Tagged ‘Recycling’

How do you get a recycling program started in an apartment complex?

Here in Houston, TX, they’re talking about becoming greener, but so far I’ve heard nothing about more recycling programs for people in apartments and also several subdivisions. The nearest facility to my apartment to take almost all recyclables is pretty far away, and I know my friends would recycle better if they had a more convenient way to do so. Any thoughts?

How do recycling codes work on bottles and paper?

I see there is the recycling triangle with a number inside. What do those mean?
I am talking about plastics.

Do you have suggestions on recycling activities that a community can undertake?

I am planning to start a recycling campaign, a sustainable one, in our community. Please do give me suggestions on simple yet realistic recycling activities. Your suggestions will surely help. Merci beaucoup!

How do I start a Recycling Program locally?

I would like to start a recycling program for just about everything that can be recycled. How does one go about this?

Keep in mind I have no city connections and limited funds for start up.

Plastic Bag Recycling in Kenya

Rocketboom Field Correspondent Ruud Elmendorp reports on a local, Nairobi, Kenya-based effort to recycle plastic bags into fencing poles.

How do I start a recycling program at my university?

I’ve talked to some authorities, who support me fully in starting a recycling program here at CalU. I’d just like to know how to start one, who I should talk to, where should I go, etc to start one. I really don’t know that much about recycling, so any tips would be helpful. I just hate seeing everything thrown into a dumster, and I hope recycling will make the campus a better place. What steps should I take?

How Cell Phone Recycling Works

How Cell Phone Recycling Works Credits: , howstuffworks

How do I start a recycling program at my university?

I’ve talked to some authorities, who support me fully in starting a recycling program here at CalU. I’d just like to know how to start one, who I should talk to, where should I go, etc to start one. I really don’t know that much about recycling, so any tips would be helpful. I just hate seeing everything thrown into a dumster, and I hope recycling will make the campus a better place. What steps should I take?

Film vs. Film Battle! Laundry vs Recycling : Film Fights

Welcome to Film Fights TV! The new Indy Mogul show where we take two short films from the site Film Fights, and pit them against each other in a battle of epic proportions! Who decides the winner? Random people on the street and YOU, the voting public. We also get expert advice and tips from filmmakers on how you can make your films better. Who knows, maybe in our next episode you’ll be seeing your film on the show, too! We want your feedback! Tell us if you like the show! Learn more about Film Fights: Connect with indymogul: Website: Submit Email: Facebook: Twitter: Call us! (866) 575-1384

How can I recycle if the recycling truck doesn't come to the apartments were I live?

I live in an apartment and I would like to recycle because I love the environment but the recycling truck doesn’t come to this apartments. Please help me!

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