How do I start recycling in a apartment complex?

I am the resident manager and would like to start a recycling program in our apartment complex. I placed small garbage cans by the mailboxes for paper products, but what else would help the tenants do their part when it comes to the laundry detergent bottles, plastic bottles and other items?

One Response to “How do I start recycling in a apartment complex?”

  • reneem1954_2000 says:

    We just moved to an apartment complex and I thought the same recently. People are terrible about just leaving junk mail on the floor and I wish we had a small garbage can there too. We have a trailer thing a couple blocks from us for recycling but I doubt anyone here uses it by the look inside our dumpster. I wish they would put one next to our dumpster/ maybe you could do that. Maybe make some type of one for those plastic and cans. I think people are just too lazy to take it a few blocks. You might want to send them a flier about it.
    If it directly effects your garbage pick up (money) , you might use that as incentive to help keep down costs and possibly keep their rents lower. Unfortunately our rent isn’t tied into it or the town doesn’t require recycling to hold down costs. The only thing they have for the can usage in this town is a drop off for to upkeep the parks.
    Also you might want to put on that flier a web site for recycling. It would cut down on the furniture and other things being thrown in the dumpster. A great one is and you can get it by your zip code. Check it out. I also belong to another web site. (City’s name) Sell it you could even start one yourself. Both are under Yahoo groups and free to join,. Everything on there is suppose to be free or under $50. They have everything from furniture, stoves, exercise equipment, pets, etc, The idea of all of them is to keep it out of land fills.

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