Posts Tagged ‘recyclables’

How do you know that your recycling items are actually recycled?

We have recently had to take our recycling rather than it be picked up. The bin we take it to is commingled recyclables- which means that it all goes in together. It made me wonder, is there someone that recycles all of this by dividing out the glass, paper, etc. or does it all just go to the landfill with the regular trash anyway?

What are the total systemic effects of recycling?

I recycle because I want to do anything I can to reduce waste that winds up in a landfill. I have been under the impression all these years that recycling is beneficial for the environment. But I recently learned that, at least in California, we ship our compacted recyclables to China to be made into new products which are then shipped back to the USA. I’m curious about the "life cycle" of a recycled product and the recycling industry’s impact on the environment. Also, are China’s recycling methods and chemicals ok under USA or EU regulations? Economists encouraged to weigh in. Thanks.

How do you get a recycling program started in an apartment complex?

Here in Houston, TX, they’re talking about becoming greener, but so far I’ve heard nothing about more recycling programs for people in apartments and also several subdivisions. The nearest facility to my apartment to take almost all recyclables is pretty far away, and I know my friends would recycle better if they had a more convenient way to do so. Any thoughts?

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