Posts Tagged ‘water bottles’

Why does the brunt of the responsibily of recycling fall on the shoulders of the consumer?

The companies that make products seem to use unlimited amounts of packaging. Does one stick of gum really require 3 layers of wrapping? If all these water bottles are clogging our oceans, why aren’t manufacturers of beverages required to stick with glass or aluminum bottles?

Why I don’t mind recycling, I feel there would be much less need for recycling if companies were regulated by how much waste they created. I also don’t like it that recycling is voluntary. Why aren’t consumers and manufacturers alike compelled by law to cut down on waste and recycle?

How much would a recycling place give for a 24 pack of water bottles, in CA?

I buy a lot of 24 pack of water bottles a month. My mom does recycle them but gives them to my little cousin. I am a college student and trying to earn some money. If I recycle one pack how much money would I receive at a recycling place?

How do recycling plants determine how much to pay you for recycling water bottles and how much do they pay?

Is it by bag fulls, pounds, or what? I have about 4-5 large trash bags full of empty water bottles, how much do you estimate I’ll get paid for recycling>


I have a speech to do on recycling, and I am looking online but I just cant find any good websites with information on why we should recycle. Can anyone help me. also, if anyone has cool ideas that i could share with my class on how to recycle things such as water bottles, egg cartons, jars…thanks so much!!

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