How do you get a recycling program started in an apartment complex?

Here in Houston, TX, they’re talking about becoming greener, but so far I’ve heard nothing about more recycling programs for people in apartments and also several subdivisions. The nearest facility to my apartment to take almost all recyclables is pretty far away, and I know my friends would recycle better if they had a more convenient way to do so. Any thoughts?

One Response to “How do you get a recycling program started in an apartment complex?”

  • <3 says:

    Get a petition signed by all your neighbors and write a letter stating that you feel you should have recylce boxes or bins for your apartment. State some reasons. OR !!!!
    you and a few others can invest in some bins, and label them "cans", "glass" "plastic" ETC. and if you collect enough I’m sure the landlord or someone could sort something out!

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