Posts Tagged ‘recycling bin’

Why do most recycling centers take only certain types of plastic containers?

If you look at most plastic containers, they have the recycling symbol and a number on it. To me that means it can be recycled. However, most centers will only take certain kinds of plastic containers. For example, I can put a plastic juice bottle in the recycling bin, but I can’t put a yogurt container in there even though it says it can be recycled. So what’s the deal?

How do i go about starting a paper recycling program at my school?

We waste massive amounts of paper in computer classes at my school, printing and re-printing, then just throwing it all away after the teacher takes one look at it. I’d like to have a recycling bin to put it all in instead of just wasting it all. But im not quite sure how recycling works, can someone help me out?

How do you get new recycling bins for the home?

My parents only recycle paper because if they tried to recycle both paper and plastic/glass/aluminum, the one recycling bin they have would overflow. They said if I got them another recycling bin, they would recycle everything, but I don’t know where to get it. Can somebody help?

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