How do i go about starting a paper recycling program at my school?

We waste massive amounts of paper in computer classes at my school, printing and re-printing, then just throwing it all away after the teacher takes one look at it. I’d like to have a recycling bin to put it all in instead of just wasting it all. But im not quite sure how recycling works, can someone help me out?

One Response to “How do i go about starting a paper recycling program at my school?”

  • ɗʘ yɵʋ Knʘʬɦɑɫ ặ Ṝɘɑɭ ŔĂƔƎ ıƨ?? says:

    first you need to get everyone that might be doing the recycling, interested and backing the idea,

    then talk to your head, and think about (i was going to say a newsletter).. but maybe a presentation in assembly describeing the effects.

    make sure you know who is going to be collecting the recycling, how it will be organised or put out, and most importantly where it will be going!

    the most rewarding recyling would be see a finished tangible bit of recycling, good luck and cause a stir!!

    check out the website ▼

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