The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Diy Solar Power

Solar power is one of the fastest growing means of providing electrical power. It’s an effective, environmentally friendly form of energy that requires minimal maintenance. Today, there are entire portions of many cities that are building homes that are almost completely reliant on solar energy. In fact, when these solar panels generate more electricity than the home uses, the homeowner actually gets paid for it!

For those handymen that prefer to tackle a task themselves, DIY solar power is very feasible. With minimal supplies, a solar panel can be easily built over the course of a weekend. Here is some information on the advantages and disadvantages of this power so you can decide if this is something that’s right for your next home improvement project.

The Advantages of DIY Solar Power

There are many advantages of this power:The first would be the savings over commercially manufactured and installed solar panels. Typically, the cost for solar panels can run between $20,000 and $35,000. With the tax incentives and rebates available today from the federal government, as well as local and state agencies, that price could be reduced as much as fifty percent. However, the guidelines are very strict as to which panels will qualify and how much of a rebate is allowed.

This power is considerably less expensive. You can build a solar panel that will operate a small shop or small appliance for about $200-$300. You don’t have to order special parts, either. Almost all the pieces needed to build your own solar panel are available at your local home improvement store. These include copper wiring, plywood, alligator clips, and solar cells. You’ll need to be familiar enough with basic carpentry skills, such as cutting the plywood and soldering electrical wiring. There are a number of websites that offer free eBooks that demonstrate the entire building process.

Another advantage is that you can placed used solar cells in your panel. Not only will this save you money, you are also recycling, which is good for the environment. There are several places online that sell used solar cells and for only a fraction of what they cost new.

These DIY solar power panels can all be connected together to create a greater output of energy. Depending on your initiative, you may want to build several panels that can that really make a difference in your electrical bills.

Disadvantages of DIY Solar Power

The main disadvantage to DIY solar power is that it’s not easy to build a panel that can produce as much power as a commercially manufactured solar panel. Solar cells can be expensive and with the discounts available today, it makes more sense to buy new if you are wanting to power your entire home off of solar power.

However, you can make an pretty hefty indention in your electric bills with a DIY solar power panel, especially if you loop several together. In today’s economy, even a few dollars saved here and there can really make a difference.

A Final Thought

It’s time that more people turn to renewable sources of energy in an effort to preserve the earth’s natural resources. You can do a small part with a DIY solar power.

Renewable energy indeed is effective and has helped thousands of household nowadays in cutting their electricity bill. It is not necessary that we will be enslaved by electricity suppliers with their expensive electricity. We can always study basic solar energy facts and renewable energy information on and learn how to save and use electricity wisely.

Fetch practical knowledge about electricity suppliers – please read this web site. The times have come when proper information is really only one click away, use this opportunity.

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