Solar Electricity Can Be Utilized At Home

Since life first appeared on earth 3.8 billion years ago it has used solar energy. The amount of energy that reaches the earth in just 24 hours is vast and more than the human race could ever use. If fact when the sun is directly over a given piece of ground, a single acre of land can gather about four thousand horsepower of energy, that’s the power of a locomotive. So that is a lot of power, for those of us that aren’t farmers and don’t know how big an acre is, that’s about the size of a football field with out the end zones.

One might ask how I can use all this power that comes from the sun to make solar electricity. Well that answer is that we do. It is interesting to note that all the energy on the earth today originally was made by the sun. Coal and oil came from organic life that lived millions of years ago and ended up buried and compacted to form these deposits. And those life forms used the energy of the sun via photosynthesis to produce the energy they needed to survive.

This means that the fuel that we used to drive our cars was produced millions of years ago by energy from the sun and stored in deposits of petroleum, oil shale, natural gas and other things. Of course the question is how we by pass this long process that takes millions of years to produce and also makes end products we don’t need like, smog and CO2.

Beginning with the oil crises of the 1970′s solar power has become a major alternative to fossil fuels, as society has tried to find alternative resources to reduce our need for foreign oil. And in the decade solar technology has made much advancement and more people are realizing the benefits of using solar electricity at home. And the cost has come down a lot, it cost only one seventh of what it cost twenty years ago.

While the technology to power your car with sun power is a long ways off, today there are many reasons to use solar power at home. Some of them are,

• To lower your energy bill.
• Not as much coal needs to be burned so it’s good for the planet.
• The price for electricity is going to go up.
• Solar energy is pollution free and safe.
• To reduce you dependence on the power grid.
• More affordable technology is available today.

It can cost a lot of money to buy a solar power system. But a handy guy that can grasp some basic technical data can make a solar system that can power some appliances or a remote site. Even if you have no prior experience, with a good set of detailed plans you can construct a functional solar power system for way less that is would cost to buy a manufactured system.

Renewable energy indeed is effective and has helped thousands of household nowadays in cutting their electricity bill. It is not necessary that we will be enslaved by electricity suppliers with their expensive electricity. We can always study basic solar energy facts and renewable energy information on and learn how to save and use electricity wisely.

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