Solar Energy And Its Key Benefits

The Sun is the source of life and hard killer simultaneously. It gives the opportunity to be born and grow up for every living organism on Earth during several billion years. Man began to think seriously about sunshine “taming” technology only in the last century. The question how to make the sun work for us, how to make the process of the sun’s rays energy extracting simple, cost effective and cheap?

The year 1883 is considered to be the year of the solar energy era birth. However, not all people think so. There is a perception in the scientific world that the “father” of the solar energy epoch is the great Albert Einstein. In 1921, Einstein was awarded with the Nobel Prize. Many people believe that a great scholar of 20th century was awarded due to his rationale formulated theory of relativity, but it is not true. It turns out that the physicist got the prize for an explanation of the photoemission laws.

Over a hundred years a man could see a development of the industry experienced sharp rises of private and public institutions investment that were stimulated with scientists. But the history knows the bitter falls, that prompted the society to forget about “solar technology” for years.

Is solar energy ideal from a technical and economic point of view? Unfortunately, it is not quite. We will try to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of this extraction of energy method.

Let us start with the positive sides. Firstly, mention that the “raw”, that is to say sunlight, will never end. Another advantage of solar energy is its accessibility, as the sun shines in the south and west, in Africa and Europe.

There is the controversial question of absolute security of these technologies for the environment. Of course, it is not a nuclear power or oil and gas. But at this stage of the “solar” technology development, harmful substances are used in manufacture of a battery, which in any way can harm nature. Ready-made designs (photovoltaics) contain toxic substances such as lead, cadmium, gallium and arsenic.

With regard to the life of transducers (30-50 years), the problem of the subsequent processing of its obsolete modules arises. And the problem of their utilization has not yet been solved. The obvious disadvantage of the process of extraction of energy is the so-called variability. The solar system is not able to work at night; and the effectiveness of the stations fall for several times in the evening and within morning twilight.
Weather factors affect here seriously. Many complain about the comparing high cost of solar cells, the lack of effectiveness in terms of cost and payback (for the nowadays). A problem of technical support and service becomes the pitfalls of the modern “solar farms” functioning.
The developers claim that the intense heating of the solar cells significantly reduces the effectiveness of the system in general, so that this should include the organization of the modules cooling. Also, solar cells must be periodically cleaned from dust and dirt.

Be smart and use the aid of solar power grants to convert your life to better ecological balance with nature. Read about solar power grants, how to make proper use of them and where you can apply for these solar power grants.

P.S. Good info makes life easier.

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