Electricity Production

Alexander Edmond Becquerel opened the photovoltaic effect in far 1839. In 44 years Charles Fritts managed to construct the first module that could use the solar energy. And selenium coated with thin layer of gold served as the basis then. Scientists have found that this combination of elements makes it possible, albeit marginally (about 1%), to convert solar energy into electricity.

Every day brings many pleasant and not very pleasant surprises to the evolution of humanity. We must pay with something for every progress peak` conquest. All of us know from school the truth about the limitless nature of human needs. Their implementation requires an incredible amount of resources, which are not infinite. Daily, it prompts us to seek new ways to recharge our values that are necessary for the existence of a one, and for pleasure of another. And the issue here is not just about luxury goods, but also about the simple means of life maintaining for each of us. Let us speak, for example, about electricity. Unfortunately, today people no longer notice its absolute dependence on electricity, and hence on its sources, which sometimes simply let us down at the worst possible moment. A striking example is an accident at power plant, when the town is without electricity during few hours. Panic fear, light torches and total helplessness – that is what it means to be without the support of energy for an hour or two. It is a pity, but the person does not always have time to think what would happen next.

In the second half of 20th century the planet’s ecologists became seriously concerned about the problems related to conventional means of electricity production. The problem was the destruction of ecosystems by hydropower plants and nuclear plants waste disposal. In addition, a situation was aggravated by the fact that reserves of fossil fuels (such as oil and gas), by leaps and bounds growing prices, in a couple of decades may dry up altogether. a Major study conducted by analysts and researchers may proof this:

Oil will be the first fuel to be over. There is as huge amount of oil, which is being consumed all over the world annually, as it is formed in natural conditions within 2 million years. We will have enough amounts of Uranus during nearest 64 years, and, fortunately, our grandchildren and even great-grandchildren will be able to use coal.

Natural disasters and climate anomalies have finally confirmed the fears of experts. A man has finally understood that has to look for another way. And let the first technology will be expensive, not as effective, yet safe for nature. Among the many proposed options of transition to a “safe energy”, particular importance is attached to solar energy by scientists. Why?

To find the answer to this question, we must try to figure out whether the solar energy has any opportunity for the future or it does not, what the prospects for the industry are, what is actual the transition to the “solar” technology with in our time for individual consumers.

It is a real gift that we live in the times when the ruling elites start to understand the value of living in harmony with the nature on this planet. And solar power grants is a real case proof of it. If you want to switch to solar energy, please read more about how solar power grants and how exactly you can exploit these solar power grants for your living.

P.S. Good knowledge quickly enhances the quality of our life.

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