PBDE And The Effects You Must Know

You could say one of the main reasons there are problems in the environment is due to the early development of products at a time when people were unaware of such problems. Polybrominated Diphenylethers (also known as PBDEs), for example, have been used for many years as fire retardants. On the surface, this would be a good thing. The problem with PBDEs is that they are derived from chemical roots that do not break down easily and can have a negative impact on the environment as a result. Since PBDE chemicals are found in tons of products such as computer casings, carpets, furniture, appliances, and insulation, it is not easy to reduce the presence of PBDE.

There are three distinct types of PBDE products out there. They are penta, octa, and deca PBDE and you need to be on the lookout for them when you make a purchase. The problem is, however, their presence is not mentioned on any products you purchase. That means you need to perform a little research that is certainly more than cursory in order to avoid purchasing such items you wish to avoid.

The presence of such PBDEs in the environment can cause harm to plant and animal life. This is why it is so important people discover its presence in so many products. Understanding that the chemical exists is the first step towards making sure it is disposed of properly. Again, you want to reduce the potentially negative impact the items will have on the environment by reducing the unsafe exposure of the products when they are discarded.

Also, it is important to note that any exposure to PBDEs comes with certain risks. For example, studies have linked the exposure of such toxins to liver and organ damage. As a result, you might wish to be very wary of the presence of these items in the home. Your exposure to them could lead to chronic illnesses over time. The sad part is that many people that suffer from such exposure are not even aware of the origins of the exposure or that it has even occurred. Rather, they are left with the end result which is certainly not pretty.

There are certain steps that can be taken to reduce your potential exposure to the chemicals in your home. Making sure to keep your home clean and free of dust is always a positive step. You also need to make sure that it is properly ventilated which will further add to the ability to reduce exposure and other such problems. Granted, these are minor steps but they come with big potential safety rewards. We are talking about your health here so there are no steps that can be considered small in this regard.

Increasing your education and awareness level would be another positive step in this regard. When you have serious concerns about a product’s impact on the environment, you need to learn as much about the product as possible. Awareness and activism go hand in hand.

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