Accompanying In Cruises

From year to year the quantity of tourists which go to various cruises grows. Now many groups in cruises are accompanied by guides.

Let’s dwell upon functions of accompanying guides to avoid misunderstanding.

Functions accompanying onboard in most cases concern:
- Transfer of daily onboard programs into Ukrainian or Russian (the basic and most important information);
- Transfer of the menu into a supper at the basic restaurant on Ukrainian or Russian;
- The help in non-standard situations on a board (in case of occurrence of a language barrier);
- Group gathering on coastal excursions in Ukrainian or Russian (got in advance);
- On occasion – sale of excursions in Ukrainian or Russian during cruise (in the presence of empty seats in the bus).

Certainly, you can address to the accompanying guide for advice and the help in case of need, but remember that it isn’t your personal translator. It is necessary to mean also that the accompanying guide doesn’t bear personal responsibility for possible overlays during the program.

About tip in cruise
Tip to the onboard personnel is the standard practice in world of the cruise industries and it makes a considerable part of earnings of stewards, waiters and headwaiters. It serves as the basic motivation of their qualitative work: they use the best efforts to deserve this tip.
And even if onboard tip isn’t required, they certainly are expected.

The sum of tip changes from the company to the company, but on the average they make (on the person a day):
- To the waiter at the basic restaurant: 3-4$;
- To the headwaiter at the basic restaurant: 1,5-2$;
- To the steward: 3-3,5$;
- To the butler: 4-6$.

On a number of liners in the end of cruise in your cabin will bring envelopes for the above-stated attendants – it is expected that you put in these envelopes cash in the sum not less specified above (at the rate on day). On the majority of liners tip is automatically added to your onboard account and is subject to payment in the end of cruise (cash or on a credit card).

Certainly, it is considered that tip is especially a private affair of each passenger but it is not accepted to refuse payment of tip without the due basis on that. Practice shows that the majority of passengers, besides standard tip, remunerate in addition those members of attendants who have rendered any personal services or were especially attentive during cruise.

Tip during excursions and transfers:
In the world also is accepted to leave tip to the guide and the bus driver if excursion was pleasant to you. It is considered normal expression of gratitude.
Russian-speaking guides practically worldwide admit that only Russian and Czech tourists extremely seldom leave tip. Unfortunately, it is a boomerang beats on us. The matter is that the good guides knowing and other languages except Russian refuse excursions in Russian preferring other tourists who will leave tip for sure.

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