Wood Burning In Addition To Pellets As Well As Pellet Fuel Stoves

Wood pellets are the primary pellet energy used in pellet stoves as well as boilers. Biomass pellet energy has many reward over other forms of wood energy, leading to its success as the fastest growing form of wood heating. So why is burning wood pellets so much more popular than simply burning logs for instance. One of the reasons, is by pellets you can be assured that you are buying fuel along with not water. This may seem like a strange comment to produce, yet it is true in many cases where biomass logs plus biomass chips are sold for energy. To be fuel wood logs in addition to chips are dried naturally or seasoned down to around 30% moisture. Well, this is what should happen, yet some log as well as chip suppliers sell fuel by means of a much higher moisture content. Therefore the consumer is actually paying by way of weight for water and not energy. A high moisture content in energy has many negative effectives in terms of a lower temperature value, in addition to more ash as well as creosote generated during incineration. Meaning plus less temperature the fuel also required more maintenance to clean in addition to maintain the stove.

Learn more about Wood Burning Pellets

Biomass pellets though have a moisture content on average around 5% up to 10%. This moisture level is much lower than even the seasoned dry biomass logs or wood chips. Therefore pellets may always be more expensive with weight than logs or wood chips, though they are also always guaranteed to have a low moisture content, as it is simply not possible to form a pellet by way of a high moisture percentage. The uniform shape along with size of the pellet technique they are ideal for automated pellet heating.

Read more about Wood Pellet Press

There are a variety of different grades of pellet fuels. The most costly as well as pricey pellet fuel are premium wood pellets. Premium wood pellets are constructed from specially selected biomass residues, mainly pine, spruce and oak. The residue is sourced from timber processing operations, on the other hand the biomass used must not contain bark, as this will raise the ash content generated by the pellets. The ash shaped from premium pellets is amazingly low at around 0.5%, no other wood energy produces so little ash. On the other hand this ultra low maintenance energy does come at a cost. As the resources to make premium wood pellets also relies on the waste from other industries the prices of premium biomass pellets are the most unstable of the pellet fuels. There are cheaper biomass pellets which manufacture slightly more ash in addition to more stable prices. Yet it cannot be presumed that your pellet stove can burn any other standard of pellet other than premium pellet energy. The reason for this is because most pellet stove manufactures design the stove to burn premium pellets, plus only premium pellets as it is much cheaper to do so. This way however the owner is very limited in their choice of energy, as well as tied in the cost changes along with high price of premium pellet fuels. It therefore makes sense to do your research and purchase the most fuel flexible pellet stoves in addition to boilers you can afford to save on the cost of pellet energy.

More information on Premium Pellets

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