Will The Humanity Use Solar Collectors In The Future?

The world will have to end dependence on fossil fuels and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases dramatically in the nearest few decades. In case of success, five technologies will change the energy picture of the world radically.

Scientists suggested producing solar energy in space, in the place the sun always shines, more than three decades ago. If you put giant solar collectors onto orbit around the Earth, they will be able to supply electricity to any place in the world non-stop. The idea is that sunlight is reflected from the giant orbital mirrors, being accumulated in the numerous photovoltaic cells. Then, light has to be converted into electricity, and then – in the microwave rays that are directed toward the Earth. Antennas placed on the Earth’s surface capture the microwave energy and convert it back into electricity.

Technology makes you think about science fiction but is actually very simple. The solar collectors in orbit located approximately 30 000 kilometres from the Earth emit energy in the form of safe microwave rays. An earth mile diameter station host of microwave emanation would make about 1 000 megawatts of energy, which will be enough to power more than one million households.

The cost of solar panels sending into space is the biggest challenge, as it is necessary to design a system of very light weight, so it took only a few launches.

Vvehicles’` transfer to the electricity could reduce oil consumption and clean the air. But it can be real only if the energy used by electric cars is obtained from the atom, wind or other clean sources. The second question concerns to the battery capacity.

In the lithium-oxygen batteries, oxygen goes through the carbon cathode and having united with lithium ions from a lithium metal anode using the electrolyte produces an electrical charge. Such catalyst as manganese oxide helps the reactions to be conducted.
Lithium-ion batteries, commonly used in laptops, are already being used in hybrids and next-generation electric vehicles. They are more powerful than other batteries for cars, but are very expensive.
As an alternative a lithium-oxygen battery may be. Its performance is ten times more than the performance of lithium-ion batteries and is comparable with the performance of gasoline running engines.

The wind and the sun are inexhaustible sources of energy, but the energy generated by them must be spent immediately on the spot yet. Moreover, these energy sources are unstable The question is how to accumulate and store the energy produced by them.

Rechargeable batteries can save electricity from the windmill or solar panels, and deliver it when the sun does not shine or the wind does not blow. A promising idea is the use of lithium-ion technology for energy storage. Currently, researchers are exploring new materials to improve performance and capacity of batteries and reduce their price.

Scientists also consider the experimental technologies that will limit carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants by 90% while limiting the growth of expenditures.

Be smart and use the help of solar power grants to convert your life to enhanced ecological balance with nature. Read about solar power grants, how to use them and where you can get these solar power grants.

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