What Are The Positive Points About Building Solar Energy Systems?

Everyone knows (or should know) that, in broad terms, there are a lot of advantages to solar energy. It is a boon for the planet, abundant, inexpensive, easy to access, available everywhere on the planet, etc. That is all well and good, but what are the advantages of actually taking action and installing a solar power system to your home? How can you, personally, gain from this tremendous source of power?

Oh, let me count the ways. There are so many.

1. The value of your home will increase and continue to increase. Back in 1978, President Jimmy Carter installed old-school solar panels on the roof of the White House. Those panels continue to produce energy to this very day — at a college in Maine of all places.If you install solar power in your home today, barring a tornado or other intense weather event, it will still be producing power 30, 40, even 50 years from now. That increases the value of your home in the long-term.
2. Your power bills will not rise. The price of energy goes one direction: up. If you are getting a significant portion of your power from the sun, which does not raise its rates, you will be well positioned to beat energy inflation in the years to come.
3. You will be setting a good example for your neighbors and increasing the value of their homes. It’s always nice to be seen as a good citizen. It pays off in so many ways. Who knows, you might even inspire a few of your neighbors to install systems of their own!
4. You will be doing the planet a favor. Listen, unless you want your children and their children to curse your name for generations to come as they deal with the effects of global climate change, you ought to install a solar power system. Then your progeny can say proudly, “My grandparents were the first ones on their block to go solar,” instead of, “My grandparents helped create this mess we’re in.”

There are, of course, other advantages of solar power, such as the fact that it is so easy and quick to install, the fact that the panels actually look pretty cool on your roof, the fact that they produce the most electricity at exactly the times when it is needed — on hot summer afternoons, and lots of others that I can’t think of at the moment. But the real advantage is in the long-term economics of it — you beat energy inflation and increase your home equity.

What more reason could you need? Well, how about just the satisfaction of knowing that you did the right thing, of knowing that you were ahead of the curve. Solar power is the future, but it is also happening right now.

Learn more about home solar power

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