Solar Energy: Basic Concepts

An energy crisis broke out, which has put many countries in the face of the energy embargo. Vehicles, factories, central heating system could come to a standstill, and we suddenly realized that our constant need of energy society is built on very shaky grounds.

Today we again have oil (though we must pay for it is much more expensive), but never again in the world would not be such a situation, as it was before.

Growing fears over energy reserves, for our standard of living dominates the world today. Dissipation of energy has become a sin, and the search for new types of energy – the most important task. In magazines and on TV you can now see the unusual building, where solar radiation is used as an energy source. The result may give the impression that the use of solar energy for domestic purposes – something that had never happened. However, the possibility of using solar energy for these purposes has been known for thousands of years ago, but in this century has been opened again. Until very recently, new discoveries in the field of solar energy were published mainly in professional journals and publications of universities, which are available to few. On this site I would like to give information of a general nature and demonstrate a wide range of specialists to provide building heat from solar energy.

Use the oil can, in the end, only for the production of vital raw material and protein. Perhaps a ban on the use of oil for heating is not so far, but it must be caused not by political reasons, but common sense.

We must understand that the additional energy consumption and associated pollution may eventually destroy the entire civilization. Must be “clean” energy. To carry out this can engineers, scientists, architects, builders, politicians. But all people should realize their responsibility and help find a solution to this problem. This site is a direct contribution to the idea of environmental protection through the widespread use of solar energy.

Outside the Earth’s atmosphere flux of 1394 W/m2, or 2 calories/cm2 in minutes. This quantity is called the solar constant. Passing through the atmosphere, a great number of radiation (30-40%) is dissipated and the surface of Earth at sea level on a clear day gets 0.855 kVt/m2-1kVt/m2 direct radiation. Of course, that part (about 50%) of the scattered light in the atmosphere reaches Earth’s surface and in the form of energy.

Duration of solar radiation and its intensity depend on the time of year, weather conditions and, of course, by geographical area. About 25% of the Earth’s surface receives sunlight, ie, the direct solar radiation during the day. In most countries, the duration of direct sunlight and the intensity of radiation measured in tens of days. For technical calculations using the average rates, which are derived from averages for each hour of the day and every month.
These values are determined separately for horizontal and vertical differently oriented surfaces. Using such data, we can obtain the corresponding values of the effect of radiation for each hour of the day.

It is a real gift that we live in the times when the government start to realize the value of living in harmony with the nature on this planet. And solar power grants is a realistic proof of it. If you want to make a switch to solar energy, please read more about how solar power grants and how exactly you can exploit these solar power grants for your living.

P.S. Good knowledge quickly enhances the quality of our life.

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