How To Differentiate Solar Panels Models?

Admittedly, solar panels are available these days in all shapes and sizes. So, how to determine which one you are going to deal with? Actually, this is a good question for consideration and the one that I was not good at few years ago when I started working with solar models. In order to make the whole situation clear for you I think that it would be great if we begin discussing three major types of photovoltaic panels.

First of all we have to talk about Monocrystalline Solar Panels. It needs to be mentioned that Monocrystalline cells are usually cut from the common block of silicon that tend to be grown from the one single crystal. In fact, this is the most effective, but at the same time the most expensive solar models ever. During the last decades they have been considered so called go-to panels. However, they are the oldest and the most dependable.

Speaking about Polycrystalline Solar Panels, cells here are cut from multifaceted silicon crystal. In addition, you need to know that they definitely do not come from the piece of silicon crystal which is an asset of such construction. But you should be familiar with the fact that there are many various crystals that they are produced from. Indeed, these solar panels as a rule are less effective than monocrystalline solar panels. Actually, this proves once again that 200 Watt Monocrystalline panel is likely to be much smaller than, for instance, a 200 Watt Polycrystalline panel.

Amorphous Solar Panels are not produced out of any type of crystals. Usually, they look like the layer of silicon on the base material something like metal. However, you must keep in mind that these Amorphous Solar Panels are believed to be less effective in terms of duration per square foot and to be the cheapest among all that are offered on the world market these days. Interestingly, the best application for amorphous panels is the following: you will not have any problems if you have a large amount of surface area and space.

Of course, in this article I talk a lot about the effectiveness. Actually, I want to be clear and state that I mean efficiency per square foot. It is not a secret that a 200 Watt Monocrystalline panel is able to generate about as much electricity as a 200 Watt Polycrystalline panel. In fact, the main difference will lie in the size and that is all. So, how to determine the type of the solar model judging from its appearance? Of course, it is easy to tell the main difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels in comparison with thin film panels. Finally, film models are flexible and they are thin.

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