Green Energy Resources

There has been lots of hype over the notion of sustainable green source energy for the home, and finally I caught the bug as well so I decided to look into it. The wealth of information I found practically sunk me right off the back, though I waded through a few hundred pages of scientific and engineering data to get a good handle on what was really involved.

I am fortunate to have a diver scientific background from which to draw for my investigations and comparison, but even I was not prepared for the plethora of discourses and treatises ranging from basic alternative energy, electrical power sources utilizing wind, water or solar energy, or all of the different power methods for generating electricity with geomagnetics, geothermals and other even more esoteric conundra.

Ultimately I was able to narrow my search down to magnetic energy resources, finally culminating in a very comprehensive manual on magnetic generators and related methodologies.

It can be found here, and I discovered that the science is not nearly as complicated as all of the engineering degrees out there led me to believe. Almost like ancient druids dancing around in their secret groves, the engineers of today safeguard their lore just as determinedly.

Fortunately, however, I did find the manual I mentioned above, and I discovered very simple instructions for building a magnetic generator that was neither too complicated nor too costly. I found most of what I needed at Radio Shack, and the process was very direct and straight forward.

The schematic teaches how to build the generator from the scale of a handheld device, which I also found very useful, as I was easily able to adapt the design to a larger scale device with only a little effort. The generator itself is best put to use in combination with a battery system, as this makes the battery system incredibly efficient and prolongs its life on the order of 50 times or so, but it can also be build and used by itself if so desired.

The long and short of my experiment, however, is that magnetic power generation is a very viable electrical energy resource, and probably one of the best sustainable green energy resources that I have found out there. See the link for more information on this source energy power, and its applications.

-Gabriel Dreugan

Author: Gabriel Dreugan
Article Source:
Provided by: DIY Wind Power

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