Going Green With Renewable Energy – Benefits

With energy costs rising each and every year it is no wonder people are looking for an alternative forms of energy. The best alternative is green energy. Green energy is energy produced in ways that have little or no impact on the earth. Why is green so important? If you want to see why then turn on your TV and you will see how the human race has impacted our planet. Our ice caps are melting, our ozone is deteriorating, green house gases are changing our climate and these are just the beginning.

It has become so apparent that we need to start making changes that governments have started joining in on the battle. Unfortunately our governments are more concerned about money than our actual environment. This is where you and I can start to step in. If everyone started using a renewable source of energy we could potentially change the course of our deteriorating environment.

How do you start?

Well, there are many forms of renewable energy out there ready and waiting to be harnessed and used. There are 3 basic forms of renewable energy that everyday people like you and I can use.

1)If you live near or next to a waterfall you could start harnessing water power to generate enough power to power your home and them some! How do you think people use to get power back in the day?

2)As long as you live somewhere where you get sun from sun rise to sun set you can use solar power to generate power to power your home. In order to harness the energy from our sun you need a solar panel system. Basically what solar panels do is capture the suns rays and that energy makes electricity.
Then there is wind energy.

3)Wind energy is harnessed by a wind turbine, as the wind blows the turbine energy is produced.

You’re probably thinking yes I know green energy is good for the environment. And yes I know that it can save me thousands of dollars every year on my electricity bill but I don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on purchasing a renewable energy system.

Well I’m here to tell you that you don’t need thousands of dollars to spend in order to start using renewable energy. I have found a DIY guide that shows you step-by-step how to start running your home off of solar or wind energy! Learn how you can start powering your home the green way and never have to pay an electricity bill again.

With our economy spiraling downwards and money getting tighter and tighter it makes sense to start using a renewable source. Don’t be caught in the dark EVER again, start saving more and making money visit Renewable Energy Sources today!

Author: Vicky Gibbs
Article Source: EzineArticles.com
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