Finding Trusted Solar Geyser Suppliers

We have all heard about global warming and the heated debates surrounding it. Living our lives in a country rich with natural resources, we sometimes struggle to see the effects of global warming in our personal lives. One way to change that is by having our pockets feel the punch. With electricity costs hitting the roof, and definite increases anticipated for the future, it has become economical to go green and save our environment while conserving our resources. What better way than saving electricity and money on solar geysers? It would seem as though the trend is fast catching on around South Africa as Eskom’s subsidies on solar geysers are allowing everyday South Africans to reap the benefits of solar water heating.

By cutting the amount of electricity used by a standard household, the end user benefits from cheaper electricity costs. A classic solar geyser has three major mechanisms, namely a solar collector, a transfer medium and a storage container. The solar collector absorbs solar radiation and conveys the energy, in the form of heat to the fluid contained in it. The fluid inside the solar collector is the transfer medium. As with conformist electric geysers the hot water storage container is thermally insulated to retain heat, whereas solar geysers are usually larger than electric geysers, and better insulated.

Solar water heaters can be attached to existing geysers, or it can entirely substitute them. Should the structure be strong enough to allow it, the system can be installed on top of a roof. The storage container may be kept elsewhere, such as a cupboard or inside the roof, but it is imperative that the collector be placed where sunlight can reach it. Geysers mounted on or in roofs are usually placed horizontally. For better thermal stratification they should be mounted vertically. The roof’s structure should be inspected to see whether it can maintain the weight of both the storage container and the collector.

When looking for trusted suppliers to buy solar geysers from, approach ENSAV, a company dedicated to assisting you in finding quality energy saving suppliers. They can put you in contact with trusted solar geyser and ceiling insulation suppliers, among others.

ENSAV is a unique lead-generating system for solar geyser and other energy saving solution suppliers. ENSAV focuses on finding you the client multiple quotes from one query, and they have a revolutionary ratings system to help you the client find the best supplier the first time around.

ENSAV also has a vast information portal of news, articles and videos to educate you the client on the different types of systems and their advantages and disadvantages. With Eskom recently doubling the rebates for installing a solar geyser it is becoming much more viable. There is also a big legislation drive to make solar geyser installation compulsory in all new buildings as well as replacements. Some insurance companies already cover a solar geyser installation as replacement for a busted geyser.

Visit ENSAV today at

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