Energy Consumption And Solar Issues

As it is known, the progress in material goods production is uniquely linked to the success of the energy base. By the middle of the 21st century, when the population of the globe apparently stabilize on a point of approximately 10 billion people, energy demand per capita will reach about 105 kW • h per year, and the power of the world’s energy supply – 1010 kW. Today, world energy system is mainly based on non-renewable energy resources such as coal, oil, gas, peat or uranium. However, it is clear that we will not be able to achieve a substantial increase in energy consumption based on these resources as their stocks are limited, and because of the adverse effects of these fuels on the environment. So scientists have turned their gazes to solar energy long time ago. Some projects involve different methods of solar energy transformation into electricity in space, distribution and delivery of it on Earth.

The efficiency of terrestrial solar energy conversion to electricity depends on their efficiency and the annual number of sunny days. 20 years ago the efficiency of silicon solar cells was equal to 15%. The efficiency of today’s GaAs element with three transitions is 34%, while promising devices with four conversions will probably be of 42% (theoretical value of the efficiency of four-element reaches approximately 50%). Today, 1 kg of solar panels provides 300 Watts. Capital cost for the panels of solar cells production has decreased from $ 50 to $ 5 / W in comparison to 80s, and the cost of energy consumption dropped from 0.9 to 0.2 $ / kW • h.

To overcome the dependence on weather conditions the project of creation of space solar plant located on the HIS, was advanced in the late 70′s, with the transfer of power to Earth using microwave radiation to Rectenna (that is antenna with built-in rectifier). The project was being elaborated on all components of the system, but has remained as just an interesting suggestion: although the station would be able to transfer 10 GW, which is equivalent to the output power of 10 nuclear power stations, the cost of the components raising on the satellite would have been $ 22 / g, and the mass of the satellite would have been 90 tons. Today, the picture changed. U.S. experts proposed major developments of such plants in the 35th Conference on Energy Conversion (IECEC) in July 2000.

According to these experts, new technology involving the use of high-performance solar cells, high-power semiconductor converters and magnetron generators, is capable to reduce the mass of the station significantly. Reusable transport aircraft invented by NASA, will reduce the cost of the components lifting into low Earth orbit to $2,2 / g (that is to say, in future it can reach 88 cents / g). Satellite solar power can be raised from low Earth orbit to geostationary one with the ion engine, fed by solar panels. The concept of an integrated symmetric concentrator (ISC) will reduce the mass of the controlling and power distribution system on the satellite, which constitutes a significant proportion of the mass of the whole station.

Be smart and use the aid of solar power grants to convert your life to better ecological balance with nature. Read about solar power grants, how to make proper use of them and where you can find these solar power grants.

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