Discover How You Can Create A Free Energy Home

All of us are affected by the global recession, and with the cost of fossil fuels sky rocketing, many people are looking for free energy home. This is where renewable energy plays an important part. Renewable energy is an energy source like solar, wind, water, and geothermal power that continues to replenish itself. These energy sources not only are free (the only cost required is in the technology to set it up), but there are no green house gas emissions either.

The sun is probably the most important source of free energy and can be made use by either solar thermal collectors or photovoltaic technology.

Solar thermal collectors work by harnessing solar energy i.e. the sun’s rays, and converting them into heat energy. Water then circulates through the coils in the thermal collectors and is then stored in tanks – just like the conventional hot water system, without the use of expensive electricity. There are a number of different solar collectors on the market, it really depends on your objective and what you want to get out of the free energy home system. This includes unglazed panels and flat plate water collectors.

Many people using install unglazed panels for swimming pool heating. This is because it is not so essential to keep the heat in and the cold air out – it is only necessary to increase the temperature by a few degrees above the air temperature. However, flat plate water collectors are different. They are usually used for water heating in your home and because of this, it is essential that you have either single or double-glazing on the panel. There are other solar thermal collectors that are not so widely used, that do not require to be described in detail here like flat plate air collectors and evacuated tube collectors. There are many books and periodicals that you can read that actually provide you advice and instructions on how to make solar panels like these.

The next most familiar use of solar energy for free energy home is photovoltaic cells, just like those used in calculators. Light is converted into electricity in a semiconductor much like a computer chip. Technology is continually improving and the market is developing quickly. These cells provide electricity and heat homes and businesses. If used with other renewable energy sources such as wind energy, photovoltaic cells can provide sufficient energy and hence cut down the need for energy from burning fossil fuel sources.

The main problem with solar power is that the sun does not shine at night. The technology that exists currently does not take this into account and thus more research requires to be done to find ways of storing energy during the day so that we can use solar energy as a full energy source.

It is quite simple to make the most of free energy home whether you have a pre-established house or you are building a new house. Solar heating systems are easy to build that use standard building materials. However, if you do move into a new house, look for one that makes the most of solar power and solar power technologies. Look for a house that has many windows in order to keep the sunshine in during winter.

Learn more about renewable energy from our renewable energy website and how you can use it to create a free energy home.

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