Biomass Energy Is The Best Gift Of Nature

Wood pellets have come.
In many countries there’s a problem of heating in winter or even the whole year. Gradually the humanity has found out that it’s necessary to use waste materials for making new kinds of environmentally friendly fuels especially when taking into consideration huge dumps of various waste materials left after processing of crops, wood and livestock. It goes without saying that the total depletion of all traditional sources of energy is going to happen very soon. So we should forget about gas, oil and coal in the nearer future. It goes without saying that the global crisis has drawn rather an ugly picture of the future. Using natural non-renewable fuels, especially on an industrial scale and for heating of large cities, results in an increased cost of heat. It’s not rational and this provokes further contamination of our air and water.

Thank god we can have an excellent opportunity to use a wide range of agricultural waste materials to produce heat and electricity. It goes without saying that the profitability of the production will provide a high level of performance, due to the fact that most of raw materials are supposed to be rather cheap because they are useless from one point of view. There’s no wonder about it because in most cases shavings, wood chips, bark, waste from processing of agricultural crops undergo a banal burning.

What is meant by the concept of environmentally friendly fuel? I think that we should consider this question very attentively. In most cases the level of carbon dioxide emissions is taken into account. Unlike traditional fuels such as gas, oil and coal only firewood and wood pellets provide minimum release of CO2 during their combustion. Every year the countries which signed the Kyoto Protocol and still keep on violating agreements on reducing emissions of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere can be exposed to serious penalties. In such a way they are forced to think about the development of the wood pellet production. It is estimated that the transfer to wood pellets of all existing boilers for heating will lead to 90% lower emissions of CO2.

In fact wood pellets are considered to be eco friendly due to their indifference to the environment. Their burning does not go beyond the natural processes of material cycle.
It’s very important that during the combustion, pellets offer the lowest percentage of ash content in comparison with similar raw materials. So, after burning you can hardly find more than 3% of ash in the ash bin of the boiler. It’s known that birch leaves about 6% of ash.
The development of the wood pellet production is going to solve many problems such as economic, political and social ones. Moreover wood pellets will help you to adjust your budget in winter.

Among many energy saving alternatives, we highly recommend you to read more about wood pellets.

This is a short list of benefits of using wood pellets. They are not high-tech; they do not need huge investments into fancy “machinery”; they come from mother nature. Please invest 5 minutes of your time into learning more about wood pellets – it is really important now.

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