Subaru wins the EV race? Or not…

pimg height=183 src= width=468 //ppSubaru, known for its less-than-efficient outdoorsy cars here in the U.S., actually has a nice green microcar on sale in Japan. And this July, they’ll be turning that Stella into an electric vehicle for the Japanese market, making them the first major car company to sell an electric vehicle this decade./ppOf course, that doesn’t mean that they’ve actually done anything that interesting. The car has a 60 mile range and a top speed of 62 mph, both pretty sub-par numbers for EVs. Still, it’d be a fine alternative for city-dwellers if it weren’t for the ginormous price tag: $49,000. Subaru will also only be selling 170 of these Stella EVs between July of this year and March of 2010, and they’ll only be available in Japan./pp So, no, don’t get too excited. But there was one interesting piece of information buried in the press release. The car will be able to recharge it’s batteries at a wall outlet in about 5 hours, but quick-charge stations (once they exist) would be able to refill it in just 15 minutes!/ppThat’s not as quick as a stop at the gas station, but it’s a heck of a lot better than a five-hour pit-stop./p

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