Network your way to a green job in three easy steps

div class=image style=float:right;padding-left:8px;img alt=green networking height=230 src= width=300/br /em(Photo: Boris Yankov / iStockPhoto)/embr /br //divpemThe following is a guest post by Ezra Drissman of a href= target=_blankGreenCareersGuide/a/em/ppLooking for a a href= target=_blankgreen job/a can be overwhelming. Not knowing where to begin can be the hardest part of the whole ordeal of finding your green path. But take heart: The place to start when looking for any job is networking. /ppAssuming that you have all your training in order, networking in the right places with the right people can mean the difference between landing the job, and still looking./ppSet time out emevery day/em to network. Be smart about how and who you network with. Write out a plan of action. This will be your guide. Setting a schedule is vital while you are looking for a job. Taking an hour consistently every day will help you network effectively and not get burnt out. /pollistrong
YOU come first!/strongbr /Invest some money in some business cards. Make sure to put your name, number, email and expertise. For instance, if you have a background as a mechanical engineer, put it on the card. These will be your lifeblood everywhere you go. /libr /listrong
Call around to your friends and family. /strongbr /They are the easiest people to network with and may be able to help you. Explain to each person that you are looking to start a green job and wanted to know if they knew anyone who might be able to help. Even if they cannot help immediately, they will keep you in the back of their minds just in case something does come up. /libr /listrong
Use the Internet. /strongbr /The greatest part about the Internet is that it has made your networking ability amazingly easy. Go to the site a href= Sign up for an account and start linking with people you know. The next step is to see if those people know anyone within your green field. You will be surprised who you can link with and how quickly this can happen.pIt’s also a good idea to do a Web search on the green opportunity you are looking for. See if there are online groups or local organizations that you can join. When you go to one of these meetings in person, make sure to bring your business cards. If there is someone who is in the field already, ask questions. The more knowledge you gain the better. /p/li/olpWorking with a plan from the beginning is the key to effectively networking. You may get frustrated at times. If so, take a breather. Just remember consistency is the goal to landing your green career. /ppTo learn more about finding your green niche:/pullia href= target=_blankFinding Your Perfect Green Career/a/lilia href= target=_blankHelp With Training for Green Jobs/a/lilia href= target=_blankHelp on Starting Your Green Business Career/a/li/ulbr /br /pemThe Daily Green’s Community News section is a forum for our audience to get the word out about issues that matter to them, enlist support, get help and advice, celebrate successes, or share humor. The best submissions are personal (why I started this venture), short, and to the point (400 words or so) and written in a style that speaks directly to the audience as peers (not like an ad or press release). Email submissions to a and include community news in the subject line. Photos are also welcome, provided the submitter has rights to publish the image. Be sure to include credit and caption information./em/ppemSubmissions to The Daily Green are subject to our a href= target=_newPrivacy and Terms of Use policies/a./em/pp /ppstrongMore from The Daily Green/strong/pullia href= Ahead With These Five Hot Green Jobs/a/lilia href= FDR’s Depression-era Corps Green for the 21st Century/a/lilia href= Inspiring Stories of Real People Making a Difference/a/lilia href= Daily Green’s 2009 Heart of Green Award Winners/a/lilia href= Green Cleaning Into a Game/a/li/ulpemReprinted with permission of Hearst Communications, Inc/em/p

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