Global warming greenhouse effect

Global warming and the greenhouse effect are closely intertwined. Greenhouse effect causes our air temperature to rise and because of the high temperature we have global warming. When the radiation given off by the planet is absorbed in the atmosphere it causes the temperature to rise, this what you may call the greenhouse effect. This radiation generally comes from sun energy. The sun gives off this energy to the planet and is bounced back into space. However, not all of the sun’s energy reaches back to outer space, some are absorbed by the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are basically water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide that is found in the Earth’s atmosphere.

The greenhouse effect is getting negative reactions from people because of its close association to global warming. However, most people do not know this but greenhouse effect is important to our environment. We might not be able to survive without this phenomenon. The greenhouse gases prevent our environment to have really cold temperatures. They help control our climate because they trap heat in the atmosphere, which serves as warm-air protection from the cold. Most of the Earth’s inhabitants will probably not survive these severely cold temperatures.

Although, the greenhouse effect is helpful to our environment, it can also be damaging not controlled. Too much radiation absorb by the greenhouse gases will affect our climate and surroundings in an extremely negative way. This type of situation might now be called global warming. Greenhouse effect can be utilized in a good way when people can lessen the amount of greenhouse gases emitted in our atmosphere.

Humans can greatly contribute to the greenhouse effect. Human activities can be destructive to our atmosphere because of the huge amounts of greenhouse gases emitted to the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuels can cause a rise of the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Excessive burning of these gases will naturally cause extreme levels of greenhouse gases, which is basically bad for the environment. Development of carbon-based industries is also one of the main reasons for global warming. People should take precautions to prevent global warming. They need to control their activities, which contribute to the greenhouse effect.

Governments are taking significant measures to control the greenhouse effect and prevent global warming. People should be continually educated regarding the matter. Knowledge is probably the best weapon against the negative impacts of the greenhouse effect and global warming. When properly educated, the people will know what to do to prevent global warming.

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