Looking At Natural Pest Control For Your Organic Garden

As every gardener knows, insect pests are part and parcel of being a gardener, and that you have many different ways of dealing with them.  When you are considering an organic garden, you already know that you should not use chemical pesticides, but the truth is, you really don’t need them!  There are plenty of different solutions for the various pest problems that you might face, and you’ll find that with just a little bit of information under your belt that you will be able to deal with your pest problem quite easily and handily.

The first thing to keep in mind is that you can make your garden much more immune to pests simply by starting off with a good gardening structure.  For instance, make sure that you rotate your plants, which will make the pests of one year completely obsolete the next.  Remember that healthy soil will encourage nematodes, which will work well against soil bests, and that the use of compost and mulching can also keep pests off.  Remember that plants that are native to your area will always be tougher in the face of natural pests, and that having a wide variety of plants will encourage less pests as well, due to the fact that the plants will “protect” each other.

When considering natural pest control, make it your business to encourage the natural predators of your pests.  For instance, ladybugs, birds, moss, certain fungi and ground beetles are all beneficial to a garden, and you’ll find that keeping a natural garden will encourage them as well.  Check at your local garden shop for any recommendations, or anything that you can do to encourage these animals and plants to help you out.

Regular garden maintenance will also help you keep the pests down.  Whenever you see any small, weak or dying plants, pull them out.  They may be infected, and even if they are not, they will provide a place for pests to nest.  Pull the plant out and keep it from the rest of your garden.  Similarly, keep your garden clear of debris, use clan mulch and weed regularly.  Doing this can help with your water irrigation and keep your garden growing healthily as well.

You’ll find that natural pest control is quite easy once you learn about the pests that are troubling you.  Remember that every problem has a natural solution your garden, so look around for the solutions that you need!

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