The Six Coolest Green Gadgets

Although many of us are becoming energy conscious and would like to do everything we can to minimize our carbon footprint, we still don’t want to give up all of our gadgets which make our lives so much more convenient. Luckily, there are more and more gadgets coming out every day which give us the best of both worlds. Here are a few of the coolest:

1. The Pico (made by Freeloader)

The U.S. department of energy has estimated that almost 75% of our household’s energy costs are spent keeping all of our gadgets charged up and in standby mode. The Pico is a portable solar-powered charger that will let you charge your iPod, cell phone, GPS devices, and many other small gadgets. Not only do you save money by using free solar energy, but you’ll make the earth a greener place.

2. The Moof Bike (made by Areaware)

Bicycles are already one of the greenest ways to travel, but what about the light on your bike that helps you see in the dark? Areaware takes green travel to the next level by installing a solar-powered bike light. It charges during the day and is ready to go every night. No need to ever buy batteries for your bike again.

3. U6 Limited Edition Bamboo Notebook (made by Asus)

Apple always advertises how eco-friendly their products are, but the fact is that they are still made from metal and plastic. Asus has released a notebook which is made mostly from bamboo wood. Bamboo is an extremely tough material, and it’s also completely biodegradable.

4. Motorola Renew (available for T-Mobile customers)

This is a great product for eco-conscious people who feel guilty about using their cell phone every day. The Motorola Renew is made completely from recycled plastic bottles.

5. Dodge ZEO (made by Chrysler)

This is one of the newest electric cars to hit the market. ZEO stands for “zero emission operation”. You may think that electric cars are slow, clunky, and inefficient. That’s not the case anymore. The Dodge ZEO can go from 0 to 60 in 5.7 seconds, and it has a top speed of 130 mph. A single charge will allow you to travel 250 miles in this car. Once the price begins to come down on electric cars, it’s likely that we’ll all have them.

6. The Ecopod (made by AKRA Ecopod)

If you’ve spent your entire life making the earth a better place, why would you stop at your death? Our coffins can take hundreds of years to decompose. An Ecopod is a great coffin for any environmentalist. It is made from 100% naturally hardened recycled paper and will naturally decompose in the ground.

Technology doesn’t necessarily have to conflict with our desire to keep the earth beautiful. If you begin by integrating just one or two green gadgets into your life, you’ll be well on your way to a fully green lifestyle. Even if you don’t want any of these fancy gadgets, a great idea is to begin using biodegradable trash bags or clear trash bags which are designed for recycling.

Author: Chris Pine
Article Source:
Provided by: US Dollar credit card

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