Some Of The Weirder Gadgets And Accessories Around

After taking some time off from my busy schedule to browse the Internet, I was able to finish three things. First, i was able to sign up for a contest, with the prize being five nights for two people at your choice of a European setting. Second, I was able to find some weird gadgets, which is the topic for this blog entry. And third…finished this post, of course!

I had mixed feelings about ranking these gadgets and accessories since I’m not really sure which among them is weirder than the other so I simply made a list. Here are some of what I found.

Fun Sliders Carpet Skates – Do you like to skate? Well, I do! But there’s no way you are going to make me wear these things! However, if you feel like zooming through the office going form one department to another, then these are for you! They cost $15.99 a pair.

Taken from: Gear Fuse

Cake PC – Seriously, I didn’t think it was a piece of hardware at all! What looks like a Black Forest Cake is actually the case for a PC! What’s even more surprising is that the artistic creation only costs around $100 compared to other gaming cases that go for around $150 and above. Still, if you have one of these, make sure to warn your friends when they visit or they may stick a knife through your computer case.

Taken from: The INQUIRER

Meat Bag – I’m not talking about humans, or whatever the popular usage of the word is referring to. It’s literally a meat bag! Well, I’m not sure if it’s really made of meat or not, although the former would surely be gross.

Taken from Gear Fuse:

USB Drive Swarovski Crystal Engagement Ring – Old news but still worth mentioning. A lot of people had negative reactions about this particular gadget, and their arguments actually make sense. Who on earth would want something like this? For me, a proposal is considered a serious thing, so if my boyfriend happens to give me one of these as an engagement ring, ooooh…I don’t even want to bother describing what will happen.

Taken from TFTS

Lippi Selk All-in-One Sleeping Bag – Do you hate it when you have to bring along a sleeping bag when you have to camp out? Or would you like a sleeping bag that allow you to move freely? Well, this particular item is for you! This wearable sleeping bag allows just that. Since you wear it, you won’t have to carry extra luggage and the design allows you to move freely! It’s available in three colors: Yellow, Army Green, and Dark Red.

Taken from: Drink Stuff

Rubik’s Cube Security Device – Well here’s something for your stuff’s security! If you’re the type that loves puzzle, well here’s something for you. The way the cube works is you set up a color combination which you can solve to unlock. You can also set it up to become time-based and will switch to a different color combination when it’s not solved within the time-limit. Although some people would love this, I find it too weird and impractical for my liking.

Taken from: Yanko Design

Pileus WiFi Umbrella – Leave it to Japanese to think of something weird yet strangely appealing. This umbrella allows you to take pictures that could be uploaded to Flickr via a built in camera and wireless Internet connection. In a few minutes, you can view it from the screen underneath. It also has a Global Positioning System and would probably incorporate a video camera in the future. I definitely want one of these.

Taken from: Popgadget

I’m Cheska, currently my goal is to be a fashion designer or even a fashion icon. I am into modeling because I love what the models do. I always wanted to go to Europe, but so far, I only have traveled to different states in America. But I am planning to go out of the country soon. I’m still young and I will still have a lot of opportunities to do that.

Author: Francheska Saunders
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