Five Green Gadgets to Buy

Check out these five green gadgets you can buy on the cheap. Make just a small investment of your time to implement these things in and around your home. It will save you money on your power bill while helping the environment. You can find these gadgets at any hardware store, Lowes, or Home Depot.

Here are the five inexpensive things that will help you save energy and money.

1. Compact flourescent light bulbs: It is a fact that if every American household converted five regular light bulbs to five flourescent bulbs, the energy saved would be equal to taking a million cars off the highway for a full year. How is that for an ah-ha moment?

2. Outdoor Solar Lights: They don’t burn any electricity or use any CO2. Just be sure they get sunlight during the day and they will light your walkways in the evening. Prices vary, but most are under $100.

3. Programable Thermostats: A difference of just 2 degrees can reduce a homes CO2 emissions by up to 9% over the course of a year.

4. Air Filters: If you change the air filters in your heating and cooling system at least twice an year (Spring and Fall) of can knock off 2% of your homes CO2 emissions a year. There will be less dust and chance for allergies and sickness as well.

5. Electric Hot Water Blankets: This small investment (about $18) can save you 4 1/2% on your power bill over the course of a year.

Working toward a better tomorrow. BarbaraRae

Author: Barbara Rae
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Provided by: Digital Camera Information

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