Make Your Fridge Free Of Bad Smell

refrigerator is surely the most helpful attachment in our household. Once a problem of choosing the right fridge has disappeared along with its long-awaited purchase, another issue occured. The question is how to keep our fridge clean and take care it in a proper way?

The odour of gone bad pizza, rotten eggs joined with rotten vegetables is something you do not want to get a whiff of. In spite of the fact that most refrigerators today are full of characteristics that can keep your fresh produces and your food fresh for a long period of time, they do not stay that way for good. I think you got the idea.

So how do you get rid of the odour? Let me tell you some reliable tricks in keeping it fresh-smelling:

Tip 1: Get rid of rotten food
Get rid of what is causing of the smell first. More than a week old of pork will surely cause a smell. Fishes also go rancid in no time at all. Get rid of it and wipe their residues clean using sponge soaked in white vinegar solution.

Cleaning with white vinegar solution actually helps neutralize the smell. Just one part of white vinegar with 4 parts of water and this should remove stains and smell. Make sure you turn your fridge off first before doing so.

Tip 2: Lemon Juice and Salt
If the leftovers are all causing the odor, slice on lemon, dip it in table salt and scrub the area clean. This will not only get rid of the stain but also the smell. You can also slice wedges of lemon and mix it with lemon zest, put it in a metal container and leave it in your refrigerator for a few days. This will freshen it up in no time.

Tip 3: Charcoal
Charcoal is not only good for barbecue, it also helps keep your fridge fresh-smelling. Just put pieces of charcoal in a metal container and leave it in your refrigerator for as long as you need it. It absorbs foul odor inside and leaves it smell-free.

Tip 4: Baking Soda
Baking soda helps clean almost anything. It has natural pH level that removes acidity. Put some baking soda on the area where the smell impregnates and leave it on for half an hour. Wipe it clean with a damp cloth. This should work perfectly.

Tip 5: Get a commercial product
If all else fails, purchase a deodorizer from the store. They may cost you more so it is expedient to try the first few advices first before resorting to buying this kind of deodorizer.

With these tips, you will never be ashamed to open your refrigerator again. It will smell fresh and clean at all times.

For more information about refrigerator and other electronic please visit our website at

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