Save The Planet By Planting Trees

Perhaps you are already familiar with some of the accessible information regarding living greener. Perhaps you could have worked out that not all you have found will apply to you. The thing about it is that you have to think about linked topics that may have a direct bearing on you. There is usually much more you can come across and use that will be very beneficial to you. This can prove to be a challenge for anyone if you need very unique kinds of information and help. Well, we have done our exploration into living greener, and we believe it will be of good use for you.

I am an ultrasound technician and love having an environmentally friendly life. Many of my friends are also interested in living greener. However, not many people know exactly how to live environmentally friendly. That is why I want to talk about save our planet through planting trees today. As a consequence of cutting down trees, we lose as many as six billion trees yearly. The fact is that the goods that are manufactured from trees are needed for our day-to-day living. Such as wood to construct houses, paper for writing on and even toilet paper for, well you know. We all must assume responsibility in maintaining our timberlands even if there are items we have to use that are made from trees.

While I know that we have Arbor Day, and everyone should plant a tree every Arbor Day, that is only taking care of a small part of the problem. This is because nearly all individuals don’t go out and plant a tree. It would help, naturally, if everyone participated and planted a tree.

There are roughly seven billion people in the world now. Of course, you can never be sure of the precise numbers for this. However, we could replace the trees that are lost yearly if every one of those people did actually plant a tree on Arbor day. The probability of this occurring is small.

If you would like to maintain our planet, planting trees is a good step that you can take. I am not confining this to planting trees on only one day each year. Every month is a good target or why not every week? My ultrasound technician salary is not very high however I do consider planting trees in a regular basis to help save our planet. The reason is because someone needs to make up for all the people using our resources but refuse to plant a tree for whatever reason.

Numbers indicate that only about 15 million trees are planted on Arbor Day. Hence annually, we have a shortage of approximately 5 billion trees. And each year, it just keeps getting worse.

Whereas people need to make the effort to plant trees, I have an idea that may solve this once and for all. What could actually solve this problem is if every wood business or tree farmer, by law, had to plant two saplings for each tree they cut down, so our tree issue wouldn’t be an issue any longer.

We will have to continue to resolve this situation ourselves until there is the political willpower to make these changes. To keep those tree numbers up will not actually take a lot of effort. If every month, roughly 10% of people in the world could plant a tree, that would make up for the numbers being cut down each year. On average, that would be around 7 billion trees being planted annually. For the number of trees we need to return to, an effective net gain of 1 billion trees will be the means to achieve this goal.

While this is all relevant to your discovery, a few items about living green carry more weight than others. Nevertheless, the bottom line is how you want to use it, and how much of it will effect your situation. Yet you do understand there is much more to be found out about this. Yet have more big pieces of the total picture to present to you, though.

Some of these tips really are critical to your comprehending, and there is even more going beyond what is about to be covered.

Planting a tree is a way all of us help the earth. Don’t forget that we merely need 10% of the people worldwide to commit to this. And you can be one of those people helping out.

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