New Personal Promise: One Green Thing a Day

While the green movement used to be considered esoteric, within the past several years, it has actually become popular to go green. This is definitely a great sign for those living in this world and our environment. However, instead of complicating your life, you need to streamline it, which happens to be a big threat that can keep us from making the choices that are environmentally conscious, which are so important today. Of course, going green doesn’t have to be as hard as you think.

One new book, written by Mindy Pennybacker is offering some help to that problem. Here book, which is called Do One Green Thing: Saving the Earth through Simple, Everyday Choices, heralds the benefit of doing things every day to make a difference. The book is less than 300 pages long, but within the book many common questions are covered. There are important answers to questions on Personal Care as well as Apparel, Food and Drink, Transportation, and a Green Home. For people who want to find simple ways that they can go green in their lives, this is definitely a book worth reading, full of simple changes that people can easily make to go green.

According to Meryl Streep, “easy of access” is what is so important to helping people choose to go green today. It can be difficult to understand jargon on food products, trying to figure out which option is the best choice. However, with this book, it becomes much easier to figure out which choice is going to be best and which option is the greener option. Pennybacker and her book make these types of choices much easier and faster to make for the average person who wants to go green.

Within the book, there are many products that are recommended and plenty of facts to make going green easier. Even if you have a good handle on the green movement, you’ll find some surprises and information that you didn’t know in this book. There are important recommendations on appliances, when it is right to purchase a new appliance that is environmentally friendly, and a whole lot more.

Today, although the green movement has become much more popular, you will find that it can be tough to navigate. Finding things to do that fit into your life can be a bit of a challenge. However, with this book, it becomes a lot simpler for you without becoming simplistic. Reading the book makes a lot of sense, both for those new to the econ friendly way of life and those well versed in it. There are important facts that can be used and by simply choosing to make small choices every day, you can go green and make a positive impact on the environment today.

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