Natural Remedies Can Help Fight Flu

Before the onset of the AH1N1 virus, or swine flu, influenza was not generally known as a life-threatening illness.  We often offhandedly dismiss it as just the flu and get on with our lives.  However, with the many serious complications, even death, that flu has on children, sick individuals and older people, our perceptions is slowly but surely changing.

The statistics of flu deaths in the United States alone – 30,000 to 40,000 a year – is sufficient reason to adopt natural remedies against the influenza virus.  And did we mention that we also have the swine flu pandemic to contend with, thus, doubly emphasizing the need for preventive measures against it?

Adopt a Healthier Lifestyle

Flu is especially fatal for people who have weakened immune systems, be it man or woman, child or older person.  As such, it is absolutely necessary to strengthen your immune system particularly during winter, which is also called flu season.

General lifestyle recommendations include the following:

- Get sufficient rest and relaxation as well as sleep.  Too much stress and too little sleep on a sustained basis weaken the immune system.

- Wash your hands frequently and vigorously for 20-30 seconds at a time.  Flu can be inactivated by disinfectants and detergents, thus, lessening the risk of infection.

- Expose yourself to the sun in warm weather before 9 in the morning for at least 30 minutes each day.  Flu can also be inactivated by sunlight although it must be emphasized that after 9 AM, the sun’s rays can lead to skin cancer.

- Keep your head, neck and feet as warm as possible in cold weather.

- Do avoid close contact with person suffering from the flu.  If it cannot be helped, then protect yourself against contracting flu by being healthy and covering your mouth and nose.

Adopt a Healthy Diet

Of course, a healthy diet is essential to strengthen your immune system, of which the most notable recommendations are:

- Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains, which contain immune system-boosting antioxidants. Also, increase your consumption of garlic, which has known antiviral properties.

- Drink plenty of warm fluids and warm soups, especially the chicken-and-herb variety.

k Avoid dairy products except for yogurt, which strengthens the immune system through a stronger digestive system. Other dairy products lead to increased mucus production, thus, to increased risks for flu infection.

Get Your Multivitamin Supplements

Along with a healthy diet, you can also take your multivitamin supplements like vitamin C, A, E and B-complex.  These function in either lessening the severity and length of flu as well as in decreasing inflammation.

Use Herbal Treatments

There are many herbs that have been proven to help fight off infection, which can also be categorized under the advice for drinking warm fluids.  These herbal remedies include:

- Drinking ginger tea infused with your favored spices.
- Using Ayurvedic herbs like guduchi, chyavanprash, ashwaganda, amlaki and tulsi.  Visit any Indian Ayurvedic center for these ancient herbal flu treatments.
- Take Chinese herbs particularly yin chiao, which is more effective when taken as soon as symptoms appear.

With all these natural treatments to help fight off the flu, you and your family can be protected during flu season as well as during pandemics.

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