Natural and Organic Hair Loss Remedy

It is estimated that in the United States alone, 21 million women and 35 million men are affected by hair loss.  Men  happen to suffer from it more than women, with 40 percent of the male population suffering from hair loss by the time they reach 35 years of age while 65 percent will have it by age 60.

The causes for hair loss are many, of which genetics play a significant role.  Other factors include psychological and physiological stress and ill health.  And although there are medical treatments for hair loss, natural remedies are preferred because of their lack of side effects, affordable methods and significant degree of efficacy.

Aloe Vera

This succulent plant has been proven to prevent hair loss by assisting in the maintenance of the normal pH level in the scalp, in the cleaning of hair follicles and in treating irritated scalp skin.  Also, the gel in aloe vera activates two enzymes responsible for hair growth.  Just take a stalk of aloe vera, open it to expose the gel inside and rub on your scalp.  You may do this at least 2 times a day.

Red Pepper

You may also borrow red pepper from your kitchen pantry to help in hair growth.  Just mix in with water, ground to a paste and apply on the areas most affected by hair loss.  Be careful about eye contact as it can sting.  When the red pepper comes into contact with the scalp, it irritates the skin.  This action, in turn, causes the release of histamines on the affected area.  Keep in mind that histamines can alter cell production and, hence, promote new hair growth.

Rosemary and Sage

Again, borrow these herbs from your kitchen or your garden.  You can make an after-shampoo rinse solution from rosemary and sage.  Just boil an equal amount of these two herbs in a pot of water, let it steep and cool down and then strain the plant material.  Needless to say, you must not use the herbal rinse while it is still hot for safety purposes, not to mention that heat will damage your fragile hair follicles.  The organic rinse is said to promote hair growth by stimulating hair follicle production as well as in ending the resting phase of the normal hair growth cycle.  Ultimately, you should be able to grow more hair than had you used plain water in rinsing your crowning glory.

Safflower, Lavender and Cedar Oils

You can either apply these oils on your scalp alone or mixed with carrier oils like grape seed and jojoba oils.  Keep in mind, too, that proper application means gentle massaging into the scalp for at least 15 minutes before rinsing with a natural wash like the rosemary and sage solution.  These oils promote faster hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles and increasing blood flow to the scalp, thanks to the dilation of the blood vessels through the massage.  Just be careful to use the padded tips of your fingers while massaging, not your fingernails.

All these herbal remedies will be more effective if you adopt lifestyle changes like eating more fruits and vegetables as well as soy and whole grains for their biotin and antioxidant content and managing your stress.  And do be gentle when you wash, comb and style your hair.

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