Wood Burning Stoves

A perfect fuel for your fire.
Briquettes and pellets are quite popular in many countries. These relatively new types of fuel are becoming more attractive for many consumers. As fuel for fireplaces, baths, boilers and barbecue briquettes are most attractive. As for briquettes I can say that it is a natural fuel of a vegetable origin. Briquettes are produced from wastes of different types of wood such as oak. Possessing all the qualities of conventional wood, fuel briquettes have several advantages. The matter is that briquettes don’t give any sparks and smoke during their combustion. With an equal amount with wood briquettes are able to emit heat much longer. It’s a great advantage isn’t it?

Briquettes are pressed things. That’s why this requires much less storage space. Their high density is also considered to be the extra guarantee against the penetration of moisture and rot. To ignite briquettes you need a small amount of fluid for ignition. By the way for this purpose you can use dry fuel tablets. Into the fireplace two or three blocks of briquettes can be put which is enough to warm the room and create a home atmosphere of comfort. After the ignition briquettes burn pretty good with a steady flame for about an hour. When burning in the room there is a smell of natural wood. I’d like to stress another huge advantage over conventional wood. It is almost a complete absence of ash. So there’s no need to clean your fireplace after each firing.

I know for sure that in winter perhaps there’s no a greater happiness than to cuddle your back to the hot stove and feel the heat slowly spreading through the body. And you are slowly sinking into the country of your dreams. I agree that in this situation there’s no desire to think about that this damn wood can not burn and fireplace requires a regular cleaning of the ash. So in order to avoid these inconveniences mentioned above you should use fuel briquettes.

Some skeptics may argue that fuel briquettes don’t have essential advantages compared with other fuels. I’m sure that it’s wrong. Let me prove my point of view. First, they are perfectly suited for the stove, all types of boilers and fireplaces. Secondly, fuel briquettes possess an extremely high thermal conductivity. The combustion of one tone of briquettes produces as much heat as the combustion of 3 tons of oak wood. And we should take into account the fact that fuel briquettes contain no more than 10% moisture. Thirdly, while burning fuel briquettes emits 15 times less CO2 than emitted during the combustion of natural gas. This benefit will save you from the unpleasant smell in the fireplace room. I think that it’s high time to purchase a couple of tons of this stuff.

It is really fantastic how gifted humans are when the time comes to be more self sufficient about energy. The energy crisis that is rumored about pushed many people to inventing alternative ways of taking care of energy issues. One of them – wood pellets which are really effective and ecologically genuine.

Discover more about how easy the switch on wood pellets can be, and how it can help you and your neighbor. For the knowledge about wood pellets, please visit this website.

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