House Of Your Dream

Pellets will heat you up.
I’d like to draw your attention to such a promising thing as wood pellets. It’s known that during the production of fuel pellets raw materials undergo crushing and then granulating. As the result of those actions mentioned above we get shiny pellets with a smooth surface without cracks and bubbles with a light wood color and light clean smell as well as appropriate parameters.

The combustion of wood pellets in the boiler furnace runs more efficiently to compare with traditional wood logs. The number of ash isn’t more than 0, 5 – 1% of the total number of pellets burnt. It goes without saying that the combustion of wood pellets doesn’t affect negatively the environment. This environmentally friendly fuel can be ignited much easier to compare with conventional wood logs, when some paper and kerosene are required.

So as you can see wood pellets are quite popular throughout the world. Pellets are most commonly used for heating houses and cottages throughout the world. This is due to the fact that heating devices are rather easy to clean after burning this stuff. Pellets produce a very little amount of ash.

It’s known that wood pellets have a big advantage over conventional fuels. The
calorific value of this stuff is equal to 4,3 – 4,5 kW per kilogram , which is 1.5 times higher than the calorific value of wood and it’s quite comparable with coal.
The combustion of 2000 kg of fuel pellets is equal to the same amount of heat energy produced by the combustion of 3200 kg of wood, 957 m3 of gas, 1,000 liters of diesel fuel, and 1,370 liters of fuel oil.

So we consider this stuff to be the “fuel of the future”. What is the reason for the increased interest to this fuel? First, wood pellets are safe raw materials made of wood. While oil and gas grow in value every year wood pellets are quite affordable. Secondly, wood pellets have a high energy density at low volumes occupied. Also, pellets can be transported quite easily and incinerated in automatic furnaces. Thirdly, the ash left from the combustion of wood pellets can used as a fertilizer. In general the amount of ash approaches to 1% of the mass of fuel. The ash is utilized in the current furnaces and boilers once every two years. Fourthly, as wood pellets have a high bulk density they require a little volume of space for their accommodation. If you wish to heat up a living space of 150 m2 then you require about 7,5 m3 of pellets a year. So as you can see wood pellets are God’s gift. By using them you’ll contribute greatly into the process of saving our native planet. Hurry up to order a couple of tons of this stuff for coming winter.

Among many energy saving alternatives, we highly recommend you to learn more about wood pellets.

This is a short list of advantages of using wood pellets. They are not high-tech; they do not need huge investments into fancy equipment; they are ecological in the heart of it. Please invest part of your time into learning more about wood pellets – it is really vital now.

One Response to “House Of Your Dream”

  • My house of the future will have a woodburner, wood is a renewable resource. It will have solar hot water heater, and also a tankless hot water heater as a back up. I have a generator that runs on natural gas. All of my appliances run on natural gas. It is cleaner and for now less expensive.

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