GE General Electric commercial – Wind Energy

GE (General Electric) released a TV ad promoting wind energy: Capturing the wind and putting it to good use – Wind Energy from GE, the cleanest renewable energy on earth. The ad has been nominated for the most outstanding commercial in the Emmy Awards 2007. The General Electric Jar ad was developed at BBDO, New York by chief creative officer David Lubars and Bill Bruce, creative director/art director John Leu, creative director/copywriter Brad Roseberry, executive producer Regina Ebel, assistant producer Filomena Lovecchio, executive music producer Melissa Chester. Filming was directed by Traktor (Pontus & Patrik) via Partizan with director of photography Emmanuel Lubezki (Children of Men). Editor was Gavin Cutler of Mackenzie Cutler. FX was done at Mass Market. Music in the ad is ‘Catch the Wind’, performed by Donovan.

25 Responses to “GE General Electric commercial – Wind Energy”

  • ActiveStorage says:

    @wsoxman Mercury filled light bulb? do u make them urself? can i have one?

  • EpiDemic117 says:

    The thing i like about wind energy is the fact that it sounds easier to capture than having to mine for some other source of energy. I think the who global warming thing is bullshit. But the idea behind wind and solar energy is awesome because it is cheaper (except solar, those are expensive to make). imagine having a windmill next to your house that plugs straight into you high torque output electric vehicle (tesla roadster). I hate spending a shit load of money on gas. <3's GE.

  • EpiDemic117 says:

    if we could harness some type of invisible energy such as antimatter. Or find a way to make fusion work. That IS and would be the true practical form of energy since it might almost be unlimited .

  • bigfriggennasty says:

    hey epidemon- why don’t we harness your head and turn it into energy since you’re obviously not using it posting garbage like that. Geez, you’re an idiot!

  • EpiDemic117 says:

    “Geez, you’re an idiot! ” Hmm. This might be the indication of a fat chick talking to me. Either that or it’s a little kid. Why don’t you find a way to either grow some balls or stop menstruating all over the fucking place. Dipshit.

  • bigfriggennasty says:

    I’m a fat chick and get more play than you ever will. I’d break you man.

  • philchemi says:

    Wind energy costs more than it outputs.If you add up all the maintenance it would take 20 years for a wind farm to ever be cost effective,the energy it takes to make the damn things puts a bigger footprint on the earth than they will ever wipe out >GE is the biggest democrat backer of all the big corps.Follow the money

  • gtchamp7 says:

    Love the commercial. Love the song. But the description of this video is inaccurate; wind energy is not the cleanest, and is far from efficient (as it is not a consistent source). Nuclear energy is the most efficient and cleanest energy source, as there is 0 (as in zero) emissions.

    People are just scared by the word ‘nuclear’, because they instantly think ‘bomb’.

  • bomotor says:

    Ya! I remember Tsjernobyl… and it is still affecting the environment i live in. And You also forget the “clean” waste from nuclear power… Im not scared, but it is scary….

  • realizerealitynow says:

    Actually they think radioactive spent fuel rods.

  • raine528 says:

    forget about wind energy, that was good vidio with a bob dylan song raine

  • DrBreakfastMachine says:

    The most efficient theoretical source of energy would be to tap into the power that drives Chuck Norris, though this may unleash untold dangers and bring forth the apocalypse.

  • angstbeforebeauty says:

    This is the most love-filled minute you can watch. The technology is secondary to this beautiful little film. Look at the boy’s face as he walks along with his jar of wind smiling.. have you ever felt that silent, happy anticipation while bringing someone you adore a gift ? Love, love and love some more.

  • deagla2 says:

    Illuminati=ET kin aka gods, Ea, dragons, angels/demons, Satan, Pepsi, naga, vampires, bluebloods, Al Gore, Windsors, Rothschilds, Rockefellars etc who rule cults like Freemasonry. Their agenda: repeatedly cull/victimize people via vaccines/other poisons, carbon taxes, Codex Alimentarius, internet 2, WW3 then stage an alien invasion to get a fascist world government/religion with us chipped. Support Dr Deagle, Stewart Swerdlow, Oracle Broadcasting, gardeners and free-energy technology!

  • fslazar says:

    Does anybody know where was this ad filmed?

  • tabman2000 says:

    @wsoxman the hydroelectric generators provide good backup when the wind isn’t blowing.

  • uparq111 says:

    Sure hydro is good backup………..IF YOU LIVE BY A LARGE LAKE OR RIVER with a Dam. Geeez

  • prettyeyes96 says:

    1. say your name 10 times
    2. say your mom’s name 5 times
    3. say your crushes name 3 times
    4. paste this to 4 other songs. if you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday.
    but if you read this and do not paste this, then you will have very bad luck.


  • SimpleFox says:

    it didnt work

  • WeRateU says:

    Nice commercial, however GE home appliances are the worst. Don’t ever bother buying one. They are truly horrible and their customer service is even worst.

  • globaltomasso says:

    this TV ad for entirely filmed in Chile .. the bridge that appears on the 15th second is on the River Maule (near the town of Constitución)

  • IamInYourClosett says:

    is’nt it a conflict of interest, if a media corporation,(MSNBC), which is owned by GE(general ELECTRICS), is smearing oil companies on a daily basis,which just happeneds to be thier biggest rival to the production of power? they also support global warming,the green movement, cap and trade<(which would cap how much companies can emit green house gasses,also giving GE BILLIONS),and stimulous bill<(which gave BILLIONS to the green jobs and solar and wind power,that GE just happeneds to make)hmm…

  • WeRateU says:

    I wonder GE”s wind energy breaks down as often as their home appliances. heir products are horirble and their customer service is even worst.

  • dbruce9035 says:

    “is’nt it a conflict of interest, if a media corporation,(MSNBC), which is owned by GE(general ELECTRICS), is smearing oil companies on a daily basis,which just happeneds to be thier biggest rival to the production of power? they also support global warming,… ”

    That’s why all the media outlets they own are just one big info commercial to Berry Obama. If you have the president of the US in your pocket, you can force people to buy this crap

  • desain2 says:

    what the hell is this fat bitch talking about?

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