Earth Is Warming Up. What Can You Do?

Climate change has been fiercely debated right around the globe. There has been an evident increase in the normal heat range of the earth, and the effects of this are beginning to be felt in lots of unexpected ways.

The modifications in the weather conditions are unpredictable and surprising. Several areas of earth are suffering from dry spells at levels never seen before. Yet stories of extraordinary flooding or storms are becoming more and more frequent. And although these problems seem to be brought on by global warming, some places are encountering much lower temperature.

It is believed that the increase in the average temperature of our planet is largely caused by mankind’s activity, and specifically the discharge of carbon, or more precisely carbon dioxide, into the air by way of the utilization of coal, oil and gas.

Coal and oil reserves are the end result of innumerable years of biological and geological processes. Virtually all life we know of is carbon based, meaning that the element carbon makes up a significant part of the cellular structure of all animals and plants.

Over ages, deceased living things have been absorbed into the planet earth itself, and altered into a number of substances. Including solids such as coal, fluids like oil, as well as natural gas. And in recent times man has discovered how to readily acquire these substances, and harness the potential kept inside.

Therefore all of the carbon that has for millions of years been stuck a long way underneath our planet’s surface is being discharged back into the environment, forming carbon dioxide and bringing about what is called the greenhouse effect.

There’s two main main reasons that this reliance on standard fuels can not continue. Firstly, there is only a limited resource. Only so many living things have died, and even fewer have formed oil, coal or gas stores. The world is running out of fossil fuels. It’s been fact as long as we’ve been utilizing them.

The other reason is clearly the consequence it is having on our world – the changeable weather, melting glaciers leading to increasing ocean levels, droughts and flooding.

So what precisely are we able to do to fix it? Well, granted there is not a whole lot a single person can achieve on the world-wide scale. But perhaps if sufficient people start decreasing their use of coal, oil and gas, the combined impact of so many people making change will add up.

Probably the major area which we all could make alterations is in the use of electrical energy. A large proportion of our electric power comes from burning coal. If we could reduce our electric power utilization we will be making a direct influence on the quantity of co2 being released into the environment. So switch off some lights or purchase energy efficient devices.

Maybe search for green energy, like that produced through solar power or wind turbines. And, it’s possible these days to generate your own electricity.

It is important to remember is that each little bit helps!

You can reduce your own reliance on fossil fuel, and begin producing your own electric power, and residential windmills are a really excellent way to do this.

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