Archive for the ‘Green Tips’ Category

Natural and Organic Hair Loss Remedy

It is estimated that in the United States alone, 21 million women and 35 million men are affected by hair loss.  Men  happen to suffer from it more than women, with 40 percent of the male population suffering from hair loss by the time they reach 35 years of age while 65 percent will have it by age 60.

The causes for hair loss are many, of which genetics play a significant role.  Other factors include psychological and physiological stress and ill health.  And although there are medical treatments for hair loss, natural remedies are preferred because of their lack of side effects, affordable methods and significant degree of efficacy.

Aloe Vera

This succulent plant has been proven to prevent hair loss by assisting in the maintenance of the normal pH level in the scalp, in the cleaning of hair follicles and in treating irritated scalp skin.  Also, the gel in aloe vera activates two enzymes responsible for hair growth.  Just take a stalk of aloe vera, open it to expose the gel inside and rub on your scalp.  You may do this at least 2 times a day.

Red Pepper

You may also borrow red pepper from your kitchen pantry to help in hair growth.  Just mix in with water, ground to a paste and apply on the areas most affected by hair loss.  Be careful about eye contact as it can sting.  When the red pepper comes into contact with the scalp, it irritates the skin.  This action, in turn, causes the release of histamines on the affected area.  Keep in mind that histamines can alter cell production and, hence, promote new hair growth.

Rosemary and Sage

Again, borrow these herbs from your kitchen or your garden.  You can make an after-shampoo rinse solution from rosemary and sage.  Just boil an equal amount of these two herbs in a pot of water, let it steep and cool down and then strain the plant material.  Needless to say, you must not use the herbal rinse while it is still hot for safety purposes, not to mention that heat will damage your fragile hair follicles.  The organic rinse is said to promote hair growth by stimulating hair follicle production as well as in ending the resting phase of the normal hair growth cycle.  Ultimately, you should be able to grow more hair than had you used plain water in rinsing your crowning glory.

Safflower, Lavender and Cedar Oils

You can either apply these oils on your scalp alone or mixed with carrier oils like grape seed and jojoba oils.  Keep in mind, too, that proper application means gentle massaging into the scalp for at least 15 minutes before rinsing with a natural wash like the rosemary and sage solution.  These oils promote faster hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles and increasing blood flow to the scalp, thanks to the dilation of the blood vessels through the massage.  Just be careful to use the padded tips of your fingers while massaging, not your fingernails.

All these herbal remedies will be more effective if you adopt lifestyle changes like eating more fruits and vegetables as well as soy and whole grains for their biotin and antioxidant content and managing your stress.  And do be gentle when you wash, comb and style your hair.

Deal With Heat Loss In House Energy Efficiency For Money Benefits

Dealing with heat loss in house energy efficiency becomes more and more important as the cost of energy keeps rising. A lot of heat is lost from a house with no insulation.

With the use of well-placed insulation you can make your home more efficient and cut your energy bills dramatically. Lessen heat loss in house energy efficiency and it really can put money into your pocket. Money you could then spend on taking a well-earned short break.

Even more important than insulation is ventilation because if this is not right it could cost you your life! Each year people die, needlessly, from the silent killer, carbon monoxide poisoning. Mainly gas appliances that have not been properly installed or maintained cause this. Ventilation is also essential if you have solid fuel fires, gas fires or boilers with an open flue. Some simple safety measures are to regularly sweep chimneys and check airbricks or ventilation grills for any blockages. To never cover an appliance or block the convection air vents or outside flues. You should also never use a gas appliance that it is not working properly. It is important to carry out regular maintenance and checking of appliances.

Insulation is the easiest and most cost-effective energy efficiency move that you can make. So if your concerned about the planet or you just want to cut your household bills or have more money in your pocket, here are some steps you can take.

Wall Insulation
Wall insulation is the most important as this is the area of most loss at around thirty five percent. In more modern building heat loss in house construction is taken seriously.

Loft Insulation
With loft insulation if you do it yourself be sure to wear the proper protective clothing or get a professional installer to do it for you. Remember to not insulate under water tanks because it’s a good idea to have a bit of heat underneath them to stop them freezing in winter.

Floor Insulation
Floor insulation is basically filling in any gaps between the skirting boards and floorboards with a sealant. You should also check for any draughts coming through the floorboards. If there are, you could insulate under the floorboards or lay hardboard on top of the boards. Be careful to allow ventilation to the boards or they could rot.

Draught Exclusion
Draughts can lose around fifteen percent of heat through gaps around windows and doors. There is a great variety of draught-proofing materials, which are cheap to buy and widely available.

Double-glazing especially when it uses the latest energy efficiency will greatly reduce heat loss from the windows. By giving priority to the rooms you heat most you will obviously save the most money. Secondary glazing is also another option and can be fitted inside existing glass. A low-cost and easy-to-fit alternative method is to tape polythene sheet across the inner window frames. This can be bought from most DIY stores.

Lagging the hot water tank and pipes in your home is a smart move because your hot water will stay hot longer.
The most important hot water pipes to insulate are the ones between the boiler and the hot water cylinder. However, all hot water pipes lose heat right away and should be insulated too.

For further energy efficiency steps just keep reading.

Turn the thermostat down on the central heating by 1°C because this can cut up to ten percent off your fuel bills.

Do not put the fridge next to a cooker or boiler and don’t leave the door open for longer than necessary. Avoid putting warm food in the fridge. Defrost regularly.

Do not over- fill the kettle for just one drink only heat the amount of water that you actually need.

Don’t bath because an ordinary shower uses only two-fifths of the hot water needed for a bath.

If you have any dripping taps, fix them quickly. In just one day, a dripping hot water tap can waste the energy and water to fill a hot bath.

Fit a nylon brush seal or a spring flap on the letterbox, and put a cover over the keyhole.

Place reflective foil behind radiators and direct the heat back into the room. Radiator shelves can help keep heat at a low level where it is most needed.

Tackling heat loss in house energy efficiency really can put money into your pocket. Another way is to join the Telecom Utility and slash your monthly bills.

Energy Assessments: Be Green, Lower Your Expenses, And Improve Comfort Levels

It really is rare that you would be able to get the best of both worlds. There’s nearly always a tradeoff: increased performance for a higher price, lower fat while sacrificing flavor, better looking but sacrificing comfort.

In the industrial world this is often magnified. Most capital projects necessitate tradeoffs. You trade features or performance to improve price. You pay more to boost your lead-time.

In the case of “green initiatives,” this can be amplified even more. In case you check out wind or solar you forfeit a major premium for reduced energy bills as well as a smaller carbon footprint, and likewise deal with inconsistent power production levels. Often, the “green” solution comes at a premium price, and sometimes offers a lower amount of performance.

But with an industrial energy audits you would get it all. For a relatively small fee you:
**Appreciably decrease your energy spending.
**Improve your company’s image by “greening up.”
**Improve your process whilst reducing energy levels.
**Improve comfort levels by reducing your energy use.

Be Environmental
Whether you want to save the polar ice cap or just improve your company’s image, an energy audit can help. Among the keystones within the green movement is to reduce your carbon footprint by reducing your energy consumption.

Save Money
Now I’m speaking the language of business. At the end of the day, a company is created to earn a profit. When the market is thriving profits are improved by increasing production. In down economies, you expand profits by controlling expenditures. For most companies, one of the biggest expenditures is their utility expenses. Cut your utility expenses and you’ll apply the savings instantly to your bottom line. The best part is how the savings keep coming year after year.

Improve Your Process
Time and again our processes are formed on the fly. Need to add an innovative new product? Cram the piece of equipment into the corner. Growing because business is flourishing? No time to change your entire process, just add on where you can.

When you perform an energy audit, you frequently have a chance to question why you need to do things the way you do You are also updating or upgrading your facility, so it can often be a superb time to make other upgrades and combine labor expenditure.

Enhance Comfort Levels
Old HVAC systems frequently do a mediocre job maintaining temperature in a comfortable range. As your HVAC system is improved as a result of an energy audit, you usually find that comfort levels improve with energy spending is reduced.

An additional comfort area is lighting. It is often possible to improve lighting levels while reducing energy spending.

Industrial Energy Audit Services focuses on commercial and industrial energy audits. Our decades of experience will make your energy audits fast, effective, and affordable.

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Wheelbarrows. One Of The Single Handiest Garden Tools

A wheeled barrow is among the best pieces of equipment you could ever purchase for the household. Over time you will make more use of a wheelbarrow than almost any other tool.

At first glance a wheel barrow may seem to bea fairly simple item of equipment. It is merely a tub located on a wheel with 2 handles to push it. Nevertheless the creation of the wheelbarrow was one of the most significant improvements in the record of construction.

Carrying heavy loads physically is definitely a difficult activity. It’s slow-moving and difficult and it results frequently in back injuries. Prior to the invention of the wheelbarrow many heavy loads were transported manually.

However a simple product which permitted anybody to place a weight on a base situated over a wheel where the weight of the load was carried through the wheel rather than by the man driving was a dramatic enhancement in the capacity of humanity to transport heavy loads.

It is not well-known when wheelbarrows were invented but there’s documented proof they were in use around 2000 years ago.

Although they have undergone many changes in style over that period it is obvious the modern result, namely the single wheeled wheel barrow, continues to be as useful as it ever was.

Just like in the past the modern wheelbarrow is a practical way to transport heavy loads around with minimum risk of injury and with minimal effort. The typical gardener or builder can do much more work in one day when he uses a wheel barrow to transport some of his heavy loads instead of attempting to carry the weight himself.

So if you are a willing gardener, or perhaps an owner builder, or possibly a nurseryman or someone else who carries heavy loads make sure you buy yourself a wheel barrow to do it. You’re going to get the work done quicker, easier and with less injury risk, and you will forever be thankful for buying such a useful tool. A wheelbarrow.

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Make Your Own Earth Friendly Mouthwash

For many individuals, oral health is a very important part of personal hygiene and general health.  Our mouths are, after all, one of the primary entry points for bacteria to enter the body, not to mention that it is the second most used orifice, after the nose.  Did you know, however, that in your pursuit of good oral health through the use of commercial mouthwashes that you are exposing your general health to danger and your environment to slow ruin?  Yes, you are.

Health Effects

Commercial mouthwashes contain ingredients that have no business coming into contact with your mouth. You have formaldehyde, polysorbate, sodium lauryl sulfate and cetylpyridinium chloride to contend with in mouthwashes, all of which produce harmful reactions in the human body.

Sodium lauryl sulfate and its derivatives, which are used to provide foam to mouthwashes, soaps and shampoos, are even worse.  You can experience eye and scalp irritation as well as swelling of the hands, face and arms especially for highly sensitive people.

Environmental Effects

The same ingredients are also harmful to the environment especially when concentrated in large pools.  Yes, not only do you harm your body but you also harm the planet on which your body takes its sustenance from.

Once you spit out the mouthwash into the drain, it will travel down the sewage system and then on to the oceans.  It will then form part of the millions of other individuals’ used mouthwashes to form cesspools of chemicals that are highly toxic to aquatic organisms.  And you should know by now how connected we are to the life forms of the seas.

Eco-Friendly Mouthwashes

Fortunately, you need not sacrifice your oral health for the sake of environmental health.  You have many options in making your own homemade, eco-friendly and affordable mouthwashes.  Here are some ideas:

- Mix in ordinary table salt with lukewarm water.  Use for final rinse and for gargling as well as to fight off minor infections and bad breath.
- Combine a glass of tap water with about a half teaspoon of baking soda.  It will neutralize the effects of acidic bacteria that cause halitosis.
- Mix together I cup of warm water with 1 teaspoon of salt and hydrogen peroxide.  It will serve as a homemade mouthwash and teeth whitener.
- If you are into herbal preparations, bring to a boil about 3 cups of distilled water, turn off the heat, add 1 teaspoon each of rosemary leaves and anise seeds as well as 1 fresh mint leaf, and then let it cool for about 20 minutes.  Strain the plant material and use as mouthwash.  You can make larger quantities – just increase the proportions – by adding a teaspoon of tincture of myrrh as natural preservative.

Becoming healthy means taking care of the environment’s health, too. You should remember that, ultimately, our health as human beings rest on the health of the planet we live in.

Why Not To Use Soda Bottles And Regular Plastic Water Bottles Again

The state-of-the-art earth is a fast pace rat race that appears to never stop or even even a little bit. To be apart of this world, figure out ways to tweak by acting a bit fast paced ourselves. Fast food, faster cars, fast fast super FAST! We have evolved into a community of little attention spans and impatience. We can multi-task while multi-tasking.

It is not difficult to deduce that in this blazing fast world of going from one event to the next, we things that are “on the go”. That’s why plastic water bottles are still popular today, even with all the environmental labels that we are all well aware of. It’s hard for us to change things that we are all accustomed to.. Instead, we avoid the issue by promoting recycling. We may not stop using plastic water bottles, but at least we recycle! Well it’s a start at least.

Along with all of these issues, it has become more common place for the public to refill their water bottles or soda bottles in an effort to reuse these items to help out with this environmental problem. The issue is that all of these kinds of plastic water bottles and soda bottles are not meant to be reused over and over. A plastic known as polyethylene terephthalate (or PET) is a major composition of a plastic water bottle and was not meant for reuse. One of the reasons for this is bacteria. When you use a water bottle the bacteria from your mouth move into the water bottle, better known as backwash (yuck!). This like any unsanitized item can reproduce and create illness in those with low immune systems.

Now you may be saying, “My water bottle is cleaned daily with soap and hot water!” That is awesome, but that is where the second problem comes from. You may have been hearing a line being thrown around lately, “bpa free”. BPA is bisphenol-A and is a manufactured material in a lot of plastics. When you wash a plastic type bottle in hot water, it will cause BPA to be released into the bottle from within the plastic. It has not yet been verified that long term effects come from the exposure to BPA but there are ongoing case studios showing that this is a potential possibility.

So what can we do? Well, when it comes to these types of water bottles, the only thing you can do is recycle it. The only solution comes in purchasing a certified reusable water bottle created for this sort of thing. There are many out on the market that come in all shapes sizes and functions. One is a Collapsible Water Bottle which is perfect for people worried about carrying something bulky. They are specifically made to be reused on a daily basis. Be certain to find things like “BPA free” and mention of bacteria resistance of some sort and you should be alright. Do not reuse those cheap plastic water bottles you purchase from the gas station, they will only do you harm in the long run. Spend a few bucks and get a reusable drinking water bottle and you will do yourself a great favor.

Such suggestions can be things like Collapsible Water Bottles. This is a great purchase and is very travel efficient.

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Ideas to Save the Earth: Catalog-be-Gone

If you have a mailbox, you would have received them in overflowing quantities.  If you have gone shopping in any supermarket and grocery store, you have been provided with them.  If you have so much as looked at the salesperson, you will be given bundles of them.

A Sea of Catalogs

No, we are not referring to money because if that were so, we would have fallen in line with the rest of humanity.  We are referring instead to the catalogs that hawk just about every product and service known to mankind.

You have catalogs for personal accessories and personal services, toys and religious items, safaris and vacations, art and trash – name it, the industry probably has it.  This is all well and good because we all need information on the products and services available in the market, hopefully, most of which will make our lives better.

Unfortunately, we are drowning in a sea of catalogs.  And we do not mean it in the figurative sense either considering the quantity of catalogs and other similar products that flood our postal mail system and then end up in the garbage.  The sobering statistics for the United States alone:  5.56 million tons of catalogs shipped, of which a staggering 4.33 million tons end up in landfills.  As a saving grace to humanity, about 22 percent (1.23 million tons) are recycled.

So, every time you receive junk mail in the form of catalogs, you will know that it is just a few grams of the 32 pounds that every man, woman and child in the United States receive on an annual basis.  Sad but true, nonetheless.

A Trickle of Ideas

Fortunately, there are things that each and every one of us can do to address the problem.  It may be a trickle in terms of ideas and impact but you can be sure that your drop in the bucket contributes to making that bucket full.  Soon, the trickle we started can become a sea of good deeds for the environment.

First, you should recycle the catalogs that you receive.  Many recycling centers accept these pieces of junk mail to be recycled into other pieces of junk mail.  Just kidding, of course, but if it is true, at least fewer trees, less chemicals and less resources were sacrificed to make them.

Others have even made home décor items out the good paper from which catalogs are made of.  Basically, you make triangles out of the paper and then connect them to make various things like small containers.  It may not be for everyone but you can always try to be creative.

Second, you can ask your local businesses to employ more eco-friendly ways to market their products and services.  Word of mouth is also good especially when it spreads the word that the business establishment is eco-friendly.

Some have even gone to the point of asking businesses to make the no-catalog pledge.  It is simply pledging not to flood customers, both existing and prospective, with catalogs, brochures and other junk mails.  It may be slow going but it is possible.

In conclusion, saving the Earth need not be a dramatic show of force.  You can make a difference even by just taking a stand against the junk mail of catalogs sitting in your mail box.

How to Battle Chapped Lips: Natural Remedies to Stop the Burning and Pain

Chapped lips happen for many reasons including extreme exposure to the wind, sun and cold air, breathing with the mouth open, constant licking of lips, physical dehydration and contact with allergens in cosmetics like lipstick. The symptoms can affect quality of life especially where eating food is concerned as chapped lips are often very sensitive to the touch.  Fortunately, there are many natural remedies to relieve the symptoms of chapped lips.  Of course, once you relieve the symptoms, you would have won the battle against the pain and the burning associated with very dry lips.

Your lips are chapped because they are dry.  As such, it is imperative to keep them as hydrated as much as possible with the following methods:

- Use cool saltwater compresses daily, preferably before you hit the sack, for about a week.  Just mix one teaspoon of rock salt to a pint of water, soak a washcloth in it and lay over your lips for about 15 minutes.  You should then lock in the moisture by applying a natural lip balm or petroleum jelly.

- Apply either a vegetable oil like tea tree oil or the juice of an aloe vera on your lips.  Remember to dilute the tea tree oil with water.

- Consume more fluids especially water to bring back the moisture in your body, thus, lessening the severity of the chapped lips from the inside.

- Ensure that your home is neither too dry in summer nor too cold in winter.  If possible, use a humidifier during winter.

- Rub a slice of cucumber directly on your lips, which will help in cooling it down and in easing the burning feelings.

The most important thing in treating chapped lips is to counteract what brought it in the first place – lack of moisture.  However, you do not bring back the moisture by constantly licking your lips for obvious reasons.

Protect Your Lips

The next logical step will be to protect your chapped lips from becoming even drier than it already is, of which the following methods can significantly help:

 - Use a commercial lip balm with sunscreen in it.  Your lips are easily sunburned, thus, leading to chapped lips so it is only logical to protect it with sunscreen.  However, avoid flavored commercial lip balms because you will lick your lips more often than necessary and, hence, worsen your lip situation.

- Make your own lip balms if you are allergic to the commercial varieties.  Also, it is a good idea to ascertain the reasons for your frequent lip-licking and then avoiding them.  For example, if stress makes you lick your lips more, then manage your stress.

- Avoid lipsticks to which you are allergic to.  Instead, you should opt for hypoallergenic products or avoid them altogether during treatment.

- Use baking soda for brushing your teeth instead of toothpaste since it can dry out your lips.

With these natural remedies on treating your chapped lips, you should be able to pucker up, eat food and say cheese without saying “ouch”.

Solar And Wind Power Compared

With the TV news constantly reporting about melting ice caps and rising sea levels within the Seychelles, it makes many people wonder what we are able to do to do “our bit” for the environment. One way is to develop into as power self-sufficient as possible. Solar panels and wind turbines are simply two possibility available to you. Although vitality is used in the manufacture of those products, total they cause little or no in the way in which of pollution. Once they’re installed they’re going to keep producing energy indefinitely. Also because the energy comes from the solar and wind, you aren’t dependant on oil from politically unstable countries like Iraq and Nigeria.

Solar Energy – The energy from the sun’S rays are converted into energy once they hit the photovoltaic (PV) module. The PV responds to this by producing an electrical present which is carried into your private home via wires and circuit breakers.

Wind Energy – This kind of power production may be very different from solar however there are similarities to how they work. The propeller is spun round by the force of the wind. The propeller is hooked up to a shaft which is surrounded by a magnet wrapped by a coil of wire. The magnet either turns near the wire or the wire turns causing the drive upon electrons. This forces the electrons along the wire which is how the electrical current is produced.

Sounds like the perfect solution to our energy requirements doesn’t it? Sun and wind value nothing and can never run out. However it does cost a lot of money and there are some limitations to how they are often used.

Costs – Some individuals may argue that it doesn’t matter what these methods cost; the atmosphere is more important than money. However unless you’re a millionaire, price are very important. The price of production, transportation and set up all add up. Unfortunately for the time being the cost simply doesn’t stack up in comparison with oil and coal.

Efficiency – Solar panels require power from the solar so if they are installed on the equator, you can achieve 1,00 watts per square meter of solar panel. Unfortunately when you live a substantial distance from the equator and experience many uninteresting days, you will only get about 125-375 W/m2. Efficiency also needs to be factored in; you solely get 10-15% efficiency depending on how it’s produced.

Despite the above, solar panels protecting your roof can still generate sufficient power in your home. As long as you’re careful about how you employ electricity and do not waste it by leaving electrical items on all day once they aren’t being used.

Problems with Wind Power – Engineers have a tendency to think about wind farms from an engineering perspective. They do not seem to consider how a wind farm will have an effect on the native area – each visually and in terms of wildlife. Many of the windiest places are residence to a huge variety of chicken species. You can imagine the results if a chook were to fly right into a turbine. It may quickly wipe out an entire flock.

Then if there is a drop in wind levels, the quantity of power produced is greatly hampered. The generators also need to be linked up with a storage system and the energy produced is not so good as we would like.

In saying that, all these energy production must be a major part of our future vitality production. We merely cannot keep going the way we are. Eventually oil is going to become so scarce that prices shall be sky high and pollution ranges will even worse than they’re now. Technology is continually advancing and efficiency levels are increasing and they’re becoming extra affordable. It many take many years however before they exchange oil and coal.

With modern technology, now you can save tremendous electricity. magnets 4 energy review will show you how you can do that. Save energy as well as produce your own home energy using magnets 4 energy. Learn more to use it here: magnets 4 energy. Start your new life today…

Build Home Solar Panels And Wind Turbines For Home Is Now Possible – Easy And Inexpensive

During the final years, have been growing alternatives of clean and renewable power sources, essentially the most popular: Solar vitality and wind energy.

The know-how has superior so much, and at present exist available in the market many options underneath the scheme of “do it yourself” guides that provide teach you the best way to build a solar panel or wind turbine in your home.

TIP: If you aren’t the type of person who likes the Do It Yourself” guides, you all the time can rent some technician man who will do the “dirty” work for you.

This know-how has been developed by issues that are not unknown to anyone: High air pollution of fossil fuels and its consequences: Floods (Mexico, Philippines,USA, etc), drought (For 2017, the UN says, about 70 p.c of the global population can have problems to entry to contemporary water), local weather changes, etc.

Today, is entirely up to us make some about improve our environment, know-how has accomplished its part

TIP2: Once you’ve gotten the knowlege, what about to set your own and worthwhile “evergreen” enterprise by promoting solar panels in your city? interesting, don´t you think?

We will evaluate the four main elements of a photovoltaic system or photo voltaic panel system:

1.-Solar cells.-

Are a element of the photovoltaic system, are extraordinarily fragile, not electrically isolated and haven’t any mechanical support, so, as soon as made, needs to be assembled within the proper technique to form a single construction rigid and hermetic: Photovoltaic panel.

Solar cells are electrically connected to each other in collection and / or parallel, in order that the voltage and current provided by the panel is increased to suit the desired value.

2.-Photovoltaic panel:

Modules or panels are the primary elements of any PV System (Photovoltaic system for short) and its operate is to capture the incident solar power to generate electricity.

Most of the solar panels are constructed first by associating cells in series to achieve the desired voltage level after which combining in parallel numerous associations of cell lines to realize the desired current level.


Batteries or accumulators are used to accumulate the vitality that the panels generate daily and for use in time where vitality consumption is larger than the generated, as at night.

Another important function of the batteries is to offer a current larger than the photovoltaic machine can deliver for some cases: This is the case of an engine which within the boot time can use a present of 4-6 times its rated current for just a few seconds.

Moreover, the battery gives a stable and fixed voltage impartial of the incident gentle conditions, which stands out as the most suitable for the operation of electrical appliances.

4.-Charge controllers:

Bearing in thoughts that solar vitality is variable and seasonal, this can be very important to have a device to manage the relationship established by battery and the generator system (PV Panel).

Suppose that consumption is identical for all days of the year, to calculate the required variety of solar modules that we will need to powered all our appliances, have to be based on winter radiation to ensure the correct functioning of the system, because that’s the worst time of solar radiation of the year.

But when summer season arrives, the value of radiation can be duplicated, so that production might be twice that calculated for the winter, while consumption is the same. If we do not need a regulatory system, there could be an excess provide that would have the ability to boil the electrolyte with the consequent loss of water and deterioration of the group accumulator (battery), because the charge just isn’t regulated.

Regulator or charge controller is the machine that manages the direct consumption of the batteries, and avoids overloads or deep discharge, thus extending its life. It also generates alarms based mostly on the state of the charge.

Regulators are put in between the generator and battery system, taking from these last one the vitality it needs for its operation.

In my subsequent article, i’ll talk to you somewhat bit of inverters, one other main component of a PV.

Thank you.

With modern technology, now you can save tremendous electricity. magnets 4 energy review will show you how you can do that. Save energy as well as produce your own home energy using magnets 4 energy. Learn more to use it here: magnets 4 energy. Start your new life today…

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