Archive for the ‘green tips’ Category

How can I recycle if the recycling truck doesn't come to the apartments were I live?

I live in an apartment and I would like to recycle because I love the environment but the recycling truck doesn’t come to this apartments. Please help me!

What You Should Realize About Dishwashing Detergent And The Ecological Effect

Every little thing we do on Earth effects it in either a positive or a negative way. It is up to us to bear full responsibility to make our impact more positive from the instant we wake up to the instant our heads touch the pillow.

Amid one of the many activities that we can explore in order to minimize our carbon footprint is dishwashing. Agreed, as mundane as it is, you can do something to turn it more eco-friendly beginning with employing the appropriate type of dishwashing detergent.

Hurtful Ingredients

Even though the store-bought dishwashing detergent is the least noxious home cleansing product in the market, it may contain detrimental ingredients that, when accumulated in the sewage, poses an ecological danger. Sure, these are able to cleanse your dishes, glasses, silverware, pots and pans but at what expense?

Let us start off with phosphate. Even though it is a naturally-occurring material, after it clogs up waterways, it can promote the growth of algal blooms. Bear in mind that algal blooms diminish the oxygen levels in the water, thus, adversely affecting the marine flora and fauna around it. And if an algal bloom develops into cyanobacteria, this can be toxic to humans when ingested.

Other substances that bring about environmental harm consist of chorine and surfactants, fragrances and colors, stability as well as dispensing aids, mildness additives in addition to preservatives as well as antibacterial agents. The last ingredient, by the way, makes for added threat to human health. So, what should you do? Well, try to purchase products that have lesser phosphate and chlorine content.

Container Choices

Next there is the subject of the bottle. Instead of procuring large bottles of cleaner, you must opt for the smaller ones since these are typically more concentrated. Thus, there is a smaller ecological effect – less packaging, not as much of transport expenses, less carbon footprint. Of course, you have to look at the “recyclability” part of the bottle. At the very least, you will know how to dispose of it correctly.

Making Your Own

Better yet, you can make your own homemade dishwashing cleaner. You are able to save funds on store-bought cleaners, which are expensive on account of the various operating costs that come with its manufacture and advertising, and you can save your planet as well.

Here is what you must do:
* Combine one tablespoon each of baking soda and borax to the dishwasher. Wash the dishes as you would with a store-bought dishwashing cleaner.
* To combat the water spots, merely pour a sufficient amount of distilled white vinegar instead of the clear rinse gel.

Baking soda, borax along with distilled white vinegar are well-known for their cleaning properties and, by definition, are favorites with green homeowners.

Dishwashing Ideas

In conjunction with the dishwashing cleaner, you also need to conserve on water. Or else, you will still be harming the planet. To conserve water plus heating energy, also, you should use cold water to wash the dishes instead of the usual hot water. Merely pour dishwashing detergent sufficient to cover the water with a thin coating of suds on top. And it does pay to wring every last drop of cleaner out of your bottle!

With these tips on dishwashing, you can have spotless dishes on which you can dine on even as ensuring that the earth will not suffer for your delight of fine cuisine.

Here’s a valuable green living pointer:

Why buy cheap tires from TreadWright, Inc? We are working hard to help protect our precious resources as well as save you money. With a lot of “green” products, the price is often higher than purchasing a comparable “non-green” product.

When buying cheap tires from TreadWright, Inc, you have the peace of mind of knowing you are actually going green and saving up to 70% of the petroleum and resources required to make a new tire. In addition, you can also save 50% or more over the price of a comparable new tire. TreadWright, Inc. sells many sizes of retreaded tires, including 265 70r17.

ENERGY STAR Audio & Home Theater

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Earning the ENERGY STAR means products meet strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy.

* ENERGY STAR qualified audio products use about 6% less energy than standard models.

Remember, saving energy prevents pollution.

By choosing ENERGY STAR, you are helping prevent global warming and promote cleaner air without sacrificing the product quality and performance you expect.

I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas

It is traditionally a time of excess and merry-making yet there is no reason to forget the plight of the environment at Christmastime. View it as a chance to spread a little Yuletide joy to the planet itself and make this Christmas not just a white one, but a green one too.

The most obvious way of doing your bit for the planet at Christmas is to buy a fake tree. Fake trees are no longer synonymous with tackiness; now they are viewed as practical and sensible by most and in most cases are just as attractive as a real tree. But if you can’t resist a real one, then at the end of the festivities plant it in your garden and use it year after year – then you’ll get the benefit of it’s beauty all year round.

What you put on your tree is important, too. If you can’t resist flashing fairy lights, then use a plug timer and just have them on when needed, and mainly at night. The best option, however, is to decorate using baubles, tinsel and all other associated paraphernalia that looks nice without using a huge amount of electricity. There’s also the benefit that these items look good during the day, whereas fairy lights only really look festive when it’s dark. Also, always turn the lights on when you’re not in the same room – this is a good tip for anything running off electricity.

One area to focus on when trying to make your Christmas more eco-friendly is Christmas cards. Try and reduce the number you send to lessen the impact on the environment, perhaps substituting them for e-cards for non-family members. If you send a lot of cards to colleagues, why not suggest everyone at the office puts the money they would usually spend on cards into a tin and donate it to a charity? That way a charity and the environment benefits. For those cards you do receive, ensure you recycle them correctly instead of just throwing them in the bin.

Essentially, Christmas is a time when you put into practice all those little lifestyle changes that help the environment. It’s easy to get distracted during the festive period and forget to recycle food and cards and to keep electricity usage to a minimum – but remember, waste and electricity usage is in abundance at Christmas, so it’s possibly the most important time of the year to remain vigilant.

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