Global warming impacts

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and the increase of the ocean’s sea level. The polar ice caps are slowly melting due to the high temperature of the atmosphere. Global warming has a significant impact on our environments condition. Our everyday life is also greatly affected by this phenomenon. Countries all over the world are taking considerable measures to lessen the global warming impacts.

Global warming is putting animal and plant life under great risks. A couple of animal species have already become extinct due to this drastic change of the Earth’s climate. Examples of these extinct species are the golden toad and harlequin frog which used be found in Costa Rica. A lot more species of animals are under threat of extinction because their natural habitats are being wiped out because of the effect of global warming on our environment.

Ecosystems are seriously being affected by global warming. These ecological systems, such as coral reefs, may suffer severe changes that could ultimately be irreversible. One factor of global warming that is affecting the ecosystems is the melting of the glaciers in the Polar Regions. This would be a great loss to our environment. People who want to protect these ecosystems are generally helpless to stop this drastic change. If this changes goes on without proper actions being taken, global extinction will not be impossible in the distant future.

Seasons are also generally affected by global warming, because of the fast change in temperature. The lengths of our seasons may vary, which disrupts the livelihood of man and animals alike. Shorter winters and longer summers may be experienced with extreme temperature levels. Plant life is also disrupted by these unprecedented seasonal changes.

Heat waves across the globe are not uncommon because of the global warming impacts. People are gravely suffering from these conditions. Energy consumptions used for cooling purposes is at an all time high. The already dry places in Earth have become even drier and hotter. These extremes in the temperature has caused outbreaks in heat related sickness or diseases.

Significant research and studies are taken by the world’s governments to learn more about global warming. With more knowledge about this phenomenon, proper measures or actions can be taking in lessening or preventing the global warming impacts. People also need to be constantly educated on the facts of global warming and how it can be prevented. They must be aware about the causes of effects of global warming.

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